People may need more than a month to do the coding work, with all the testing, etc.. But it would be interesting to see something like this being done.

On 09/15/2011 11:40 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
I think there is an opportunity here. Effectively whichever back-end gets chosen will be getting a big publicity scoop. Even the runners-up could benefit from having tighter integration with Base and a stack of free publicity from the press as they hear about the competition / bidding-war.
A competition that back-end projects could enter to improve how well Base works 
with their back-end.  A few rules such as no creating new unsolved problems for 
other back-ends.  The competition to run for maybe 1 month.  Whoever wins gets 
the prize of being the new back-end for Base.  Cash prizes for the top 3 would 
be superb but i don't see how we could do that.
Is that something that could be well publicised in the press? I think we should invite various projects such as PostGreSql, SqlLite, HqSql and some of the heavier ones such as MariaDb, MySql but allow others to join in.
Regards from
Tom :)

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