On 06/14/2014 08:54 AM, pierre-yves.sa...@laposte.net wrote:

is anyone else having issues with their browser not recognizing the
file as a PDF? After downloading, 'mimetype' tells me that the file is
indeed of type 'application/pdf', but for some reason FF gets confused
and suggests opening the file in a text editor.
For some reason, the given link will not lead me to any webpage in my
No problem for me, I just try again (windows 7/64) with FF 29.0.1 & 30.0


For me, it just opens a PDF file download/save-as dialog. Linux Mint 16 with the latest repository Firefox browser.

Later, it would be nice to have a web page with a link to each newsletter, so you can pick and choose. Also add the date of "issue" of the file would help.

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