在 2014年08月15日 21:54, Kevin Suo 写道:
Hi Junli,在 2014/8/14 21:44, wangjunli 写道:
I very
       want to join to promote Libreoffice groups, make a little
       contribution to open source software.
       的团体中来,为开源软件做出一点点贡献。I am so happy that there is another one one who want 
to be a member
     of the world-wide comunity, to contribute to libreoffice and help to
     make it better. 很高兴我们的全球社区中又多了一名成员,让我们一起努力让LibreOffice变得更好!For
       Libreoffice cover density and user utilization in China relative
       to other office software (such as ms office, kingsoft WPS office,
       etc.) or lower.
       对于Libreoffice在中国的覆盖密度和用户使用率相对其他办公软件(例如:ms office 、金山wps
       office等)而言还是比较低的。This is true, most of chinese office users still use 
MSO 2003 +
     WinXP, most business users uses MSO 2007/2010 + Win7. The others use
     WPS. But, however as you can see, our Chinese libreoffice comunity
     is growing. LibreOffice 4.x UI is now 100% localized in Chinese; the
     new zh-cn.libreoffice.org website is now available; and also, we
     ACTom has set up a discuz! forum (www.libreofficechina.org), and
     over the past 2 month we see a lot of people 
正如我们所看的那样,Libreoffice的UI全中文化这能代表这是一个开始不能代表 市场占有率,Libreoffice的易用性和快捷性是硬伤(这 个不存在用户技术上的问 题,而是软件设计上的问题)。当然,大家在Libreoffice的本土化中贡献,幸苦 您们了!Libreoffice的 本土化这是一个进入中国市场的重要条件也是必要条件。 不过我们现在还是慢了。
       Libreoffice into such a market situation in China? Mainly used in
       the user, technical support and Libreoffice caused by its own
       problems, and so on! There are many enterprises in China to pick
       the Microsoft office for money or domestic WPS office office
       software, such as little to pick the Libreoffice open source as
       its corporate office software. The problem was the main reason is
       that Microsoft office and WPS office of ease of use for the
       Chinese obviously higher than that of Libreoffice ease of use.
       Followed by the use of software education problems, almost more
       than 90% of people in China begin to contact the computer
       operating system is facing the Windows office software of
       Microsoft office. And now, right now, the chance of Libreoffice is
       接触计算机时面对的操作系统就是windows办公软件则是微软office。而现在,就是现在,Libreoffice的机会来了!This is also true. 
In some aspects, MSO and WPS seems more "easy" to
     use, and more "stable" (but in some aspects I do not agree). Users
     always have their choices.Also, when I was in school and learn computer 
for the first time, I
     never heard of LibreOffice/OpenOffice (maybe the teachers never
     heard of libreoffice either). And nowadays, I am sure there are
     still many schools using MSO 2003/ WinXP for teaching, and teachers
     only accept doc/xls formats.Because
       China is now very support domestic Linux system, and openoffice
       (Libreoffice) and Libreoffice has been renowned under Linux
       operating system software for office use, so now can Libreoffice
       took advantage of the Chinese policy of spring breeze, the Linux
       operating system with China manufacturers and the Chinese
       government and some famous education institutions to cooperate, in
       order to expand market coverage in China. Cooperation target
       roughly as follows:由于现在中国非常支持
       Libreoffice可以趁着中国政策的春风,与中国Linux操 作系统生产厂商以及中国
       政府和一些有名的教育机构进行合作,以此来在中国扩大市场覆盖率。合作大致目标如下:With Linux
       manufacturers cooperation purpose: mainly to the OEM manufacturers
       become Libreoffice. Is now in China, of course, Linux system
       manufacturers become Libreoffice OEM temporarily is a relatively
       easy thing, but now our Libreoffice must attack quickly, otherwise
       the day in the future we will be very sad, because kingsoft WPS
       office office software company's products for Linux is now fully
       open, WPS office for ease of use and the use of the user habit of
       Linux is very suitable for Chinese users. So we must grasp firmly
       binding will Libreoffice this product in the Chinese domestic
       Linux system, only in this way in the future Libreoffice would
       have a place!与Linux生产厂商
       Libreoffice的OEM暂时是一件较容 易办到的事情,但是,现在我们的Libreoffice一定要出击迅速,不然在未来我们
       的日子将会非常难过,因为金山办公软件公司的旗下产品wps office for Linux现 在 已经全面开启,wps office
       for Linux的易用性和对用户的使用习惯 来说非常
       适合中国的用户。所以我们一定要抓紧将Libreoffice这个产品牢牢的绑定在中国 国产Linux系
       统中,只有这样在未来Libreoffice才会有一席之地!I do see Deepin Linux chooses WPS4Linux as 
the default office suite
     (and seems UbuntuKylin also chooses WPS?). In my opinion, this is
     really a bad choice, as WPS2Linux is only at its alpha stage, and
     based on my testing it's not usable at all. Maybe for very simple
     work it's fine, but for professional work, users are at risk. Also,
     I think WPS4Linux is developed by a very limited number of devs in
     Kingsoft, compared with a very large comunity worldwide for
     libreoffice.The main reason why they choose WPS may be because of its
     compatibility with MS Office formats. However, as everybody can see,
     LibreOffice is now perfect in doc/xls support, and is improving in
     OOXML support. Besides, LibreOffice nativly supports ODF format,
     which WPS never did.The
       cooperation with the Chinese government objective: cooperate with
       the government's aim is to make the government on to the next
       generation of user education offer certain support, at least don't
       let it to suppress Libreoffice.与中国政府的合作目
       的:与政府合作的目的是让政府在对下一代用户教育上给予一 定的支持,至少不要让其来打压Libreoffice。Government's 
support is really important. We see the UK gov is now
     choosing ODF as one of the default file format. Maybe you can take
     the job to comunicate with Chinese gov to use libreoffice or other
     free and opensource 
我们直接和政府协商是不现实的事,但我们和这些国产linux的厂商协商是较为正 常的事,这些厂商大多是依靠政府支持长大的,所以我们可以借他们的口用用!
       with education institutions purpose: let the education
       institutions in the piece of education office software to replace
       other office software Libreoffice (of course, we have to give the
       somebody else to write good textbooks). So that both can have the
       effect of advertising have can reach users use the education on
       the problem.与教育机构的合作目
       起到广告推广的效果有可以达到用户使用上的教育问题。In my opinion, it's difficult to comunicate 
directly with education
     institutions. But it's easy to comunicate with Students Union or
     "clubs/associationsions" in universities. They can help to improve
     libreoffice, and orgnize some opensource/libre events in
     universities. When open document format is in the heart of every
     students, it's possible that some schools may open such 
As for textbooks, currently have libreoffice documentations, but not
     available in Chinese, 
see:http://zh-cn.libreoffice.org/get-help/documentation/and the Chinese
     Maybe you can help to maintain this wiki page, and help to translate
     the documentations into 
Second:I Libreoffice this product also should strengthen the improvement
       in the Chinese market, so that it has more market penetration and
       users to have the desire. In strengthening and improvement as
       Libreoffice这个产品也要在中国市场中加强改进,以使其更具有市场渗透力和用户拥有欲。大致的加强及改进方面如下;1, open to 
users' cloud 'side, the user's file can be used
       cooperatively in the network environment. (I think in this
       respect, can look for Internet company baidu cooperation, think
       they have very large resources in collaborative)
       为用户开设‘云’端,使其用户的文件可以在网络环境中协同使用。(我想在这方面,可以找百度网络公司合作,以为他们在协同中拥有非常大的资源)I never used 
"Cloud" with office suites, so will not comment on
     this.2, in the website to open official Libreoffice tutorial, let more
       people to learn and use Libreoffice, let users will use
       Libreoffice proficient in Libreoffice.
       会使用Libreoffice的用户精通Libreoffice。As mentioned above, we have user 
documentations, but not available
     in Chinese. Once done, I can help to put it on the
     zh-cn.libreoffice.org website.用户文档翻译为中文后,我可以协助将其放到中文官网上。3, Libreoffice can 
more quick in appearance and function of
       strengthening, used to make it more easier to use!
       Libreoffice可以多在外观和快捷功能中加强,使其更使用更易用!You can help to file enhancement 
requests on specific issues on
 I hope that Libreoffice management must be on the use of
       Libreoffice users increased technical education.
       最后,我希望Libreoffice的管理人员一定要在对Libreoffice用户的使用上加大技术教育。The comunity needs 
more people to handle different issues on many
     different areas. You can join to handle some of them:
       is my simple marketing plan, I have more detailed more perfect
       marketing advice. If interested can contact me through the contact
       以上是我简单的营销方案,我还有更加详细更加完美的营销建议。如有意向可以通 过一下联系方式联系我。P.S. Everything you 
posted on this mailing list is public, so be
     careful when you disclose your personal information.
     你发往该邮件列表的所有信息都是公开存档的,任何人都能看到,因此以后发布时请确保不要泄露自己敏感的个人信息。Thanks a lot! 
非常感谢!Kevin Suo锁琨珑(LibreOffice中文论坛的用户名:suokunlong)

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