Hi Charles,
Am 29.10.2014 um 10:29 schrieb Charles-H. Schulz:
Le 28.10.2014 21:25, K-J LibreOffice a écrit :
The Design team will probably close his Redmine experiment at all [1].
The VI-marketing design part can leave to Marketing Redmine (if it is
possible), the Wiki and the Forum of Redmine-Design will be closed.
As I do some VI-marketing design and as I think that Redmine is a good
instrument for that work, I hope you will give my project "asylum".

[1] http://listarchives.libreoffice.org/global/design/msg06763.html

hum... Several things here, let me take them on in a more logical order:

1) What is VI-Marketing? :-) We're happy to "offer asylum" if it is
marketing related of course.

Designing marketing material, conference stuff, covers for documentation, banners, logos etc.

2) I read in the link several points that must be commented or amended.
Yes there is a strongly voiced opinion by the infra team that the
RedMine wiki is not to be used at all; forums are a bit different, they
do raise some real questions in the case of an existing mailing list
(more on that below). However RedMine and its issues/tickets is not to
be closed at all.

No, of course not, only the Design part. Otherwise I wouldn't ask about an "asylum".

> I don't know where that is even written, but this is
gross misunderstanding and perfectly inaccurate. RedMine is intensively
used for task and issue management NOT DIRECTLY RELATED TO CODE. In
other words, when these are not software bugs or l10n patches, they all
go to RedMine. It is not my decision or opinion, it is the infra team
itself. I thought it was useful to restate all these details to clear
any misunderstanding. Unless of course you received an email from the
board I never received ;-)

3) Feedback on the marketing experiment with RedMine. A lot of people
are uncomfortable with using RedMine as a replacement for the mailing
list, but task management is felt to be more effective through RedMine.
The wiki is not to be migrated at all anyway. This leaves us not so much
with a status quo but an increased use of RedMine for tasks. The public
marketing list will remain open and active. Let me stress however that
the mailing list discussion must always be directly based on an ongoing
task. Any general talks or rant about the state of the IT and why
LibreOffice has not yet adopted a Ribbon interface should take place on
1) the discuss list 2) social networks like G+ 3) /dev/null

I hope it answered some of your questions,

Yes, so let's go on with it.


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