Hi Florian,

Le 2015-06-05 04:56, Florian Effenberger a écrit :

shortly after the annual report, TDF will also make its monthly
accounting ledgers public. We're applying latest fixes to the
translation, and I expect publication sometime next week.

I doubt that qualifies for a PR on its own, but a short announce on our
blog might be worthwhile.

I try to get the data extracted to a wiki table, and if that fails or is
too time consuming, will publish in ODS. Given we had to translate from
German to English, community improvements to the individual namings are
highly welcome - accountant English is not the easiest one. ;-)


I would like to commend the TDF/LibreOffice BoD for the decision to publish the ledgers in public. This is always a bold step on the part of any organization, but certainly proof of the resolve of the TDF/LibreOffice group of transparency in its operations.

Congrats to all of you.


Marc Paré
parEntreprise.com Supports OpenDocument Formats (ODF)
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