Hey Telesto,

On 12/10/2020 23:30, Telesto wrote:
Some attempts:
LibreOffice shipped by TDF.
LibreOffice TDF release.
LibreOffice distributed/compiled by TDF.
LibreOffice made possible by TDF.
The logo already has "The Document Foundation" underneath, so I don't
think this really adds anything. And just leads people to wonder what
that actually means. I think a word like "Community" makes it more clear
that it's not an enterprise product.
Valid objection against using TDF. I would even say, using TDF makes TDFt a software vendor. Which isn't ideal. FWIW: they where only some proposals out of brainstorming mode :-)

However I expect Community Edition to be misinterpreted rather often.
It might be a trimmed down version. Or to be used by the Community (so not for not-community members) So 'simply' community edition is a no go. So if you want to go for Community , I should be "Community supported edition, or something similar.

In general. I'm happy with 'critics' on my suggestions.  However I would like people to split up their opinion (in steps). Makes it easier keeping track on positions taken. Else everything is mixed together and makes it hard to distill positions out the arguments made.

1) Supported of rejecting the 'Edition' topic (which technically of the table, but supports of that are probably still to be found) 2) Agreeing or disagreeing about Community/ Personal carrying connotations (loaded terminology) 3) Assessment if the 'connotation' topic can be overcome. Say be explaining the meaning in the current context. I personally don't think you can ever 'solve' the connotation issue 4) If you agree with 2-3, proposals how this suggestions can be avoided (or expressing support of already offered options).

FWIW:W And offering support to a proposal doesn't mean you bound by it definitively. This is work in progress, so may change of mind because the follow up comments etc.
Nothing bad/evil about that.
I assume the final say will be a vote of some kind (with closed questions). Even with a clear outcome here.. Not sure if everybody wants to participate in the discussion (or having the time to do so).

For the record, people who are against any Edition branding, simply say so.
Don't go into sabotaging/abuse mode. So acknowledging problem with editions, seeing as a problem, and followed by bluntly rejecting everything on the table. To simply to frustrate the process. In the hope of creating an impasse of some kind.
We want to be constructive.

So at point 4, if you reject all the suggestions on the table, please give at least one (reasonable) alternative. It's more constructive compared to say I dislike everything (which can be true opinion or sabotaging) Rejecting something pretty easy, thinking about an alternative could be 'hard'.


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