The link is wrong:

Thunderbird has historically a very good download/donation ratio, which is one order of magnitude higher than LibreOffice (1 donation every 30 downloads vs 1 donation every 300 downloads).

In addition, the average donation is higher for Thunderbird (21 US dollars vs 12.5 euro).

Thunderbird shows the donation request on a daily basis, but when we have increased the frequency from zero to once every six months we have been criticized.

I would personally show the quest for donations every two weeks, but it seems impossible.

According to the Thunderbird blog post: "In short, we learned that projects like ours can benefit greatly from simply asking for donations, while simultaneously explaining how those donations will benefit the project – and ultimately, how they will benefit you."

If you look at the blog post, what they do in term of communications is very similar to what we do: they blog, they send messages, they use social media.

So, the basic difference is that Thunderbird asks for donations on a daily basis - although in a very gentle way - and we ask every 6 months, at the time of download and then 180 days after installation and every 180 days after that (we also ask in a very gentle way).

On 11/05/23 17:44, James Harking wrote:
Hello everyone,

I happened to come across the financial report from the Thunderbird team.

It appears they have had a brilliant year. I was wondering what is it that
they are doing that TDF isn't and if there are any learnings that can be
taken from them?

Kind regards,


Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
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