Times are based on Central European Time (Berlin). Apologies, I was
assuming that Framadate would show the time in the appropriate time zone
for each person.
On 08/01/24 16:01, Sully Sullivan wrote:
Excuse my ignorance. I'm outside Washington, DC on North American
Eastern Time. It's unclear to me whether the hours on the Framadate
poll are GMT, or Central European Time, or something else. Please
advise and I'll plug in my availability. I'd like to join if it is
Sully Sullivan
Knowlegiate, LLC
401 N Washington St, Suite 500
Rockville, Maryland 20850-1789
United States
+1 (301) 348-8800 Main Office
+1 (646) 480-0404 New York
+1 (301) 825-8485 Fa
---- On Mon, 08 Jan 2024 06:58:57 -0500 *Italo Vignoli
<it...@libreoffice.org>* wrote ---
As promised, although later than expected for a number of reasons
private and project related), we will have a LibreOffice Marketing
in January 2024. Hopefully, this will be the first of a regular
call to discuss marketing activities for LibreOffice.
In the past, we stopped these calls as volunteers were not attending
them, and at the end the call was just a duplication of our weekly
calls. This time, we hope to get more participants on a regular
and to have productive and constructive meetings.
To set the time for this January 2024 call, I have created a
poll at the following address:
Please fill in your availability as soon as possible. If the monthly
calls will be confirmed, we will decide for a convenient date and
on a monthly basis, without the need of a poll for each call.
Best regards, Italo
Italo Vignoli -it...@vignoli.org
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829
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