On 10/27/2015 04:43 PM, Ryan Lerch wrote:
> Also, as the community blog is not really Marketing related, the main
> dicussion point for the Community blog is the CommOps list:

I'm unclear on this point. The commops list seems largely focused on
tooling for community infrastructure which is not 1:1 with
community-focused content.

I'm fine with discussions about content being kept here.

Also can we get a link on the Community Blog login page that explains
how to use FAS account to sign into the community blog? Perhaps I'm just
lousy at OpenID, but it's non-obvious to me how to do this and I'm going
to guess it will be non-obvious to others as well.


Joe Brockmeier | Community Team, OSAS
j...@redhat.com | http://community.redhat.com/
Twitter: @jzb  | http://dissociatedpress.net/

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