On 11/07/2015 01:40 AM, Justin W. Flory wrote:
On 11/06/2015 09:51 AM, Sudhir Khanger wrote:

Ryan requested a Fedora 23 KDE Plasma Desktop release post for Fedora Magazine
in the fedora-kde mailing list.

I have written an article to the best of my knowledge. Could someone please look it over? Feel free to make any changes and publish it. Let me know how to

There is something wrong with the formatting that I can't seem to figure out. Visual editor shows there is a newline between KRunner and Firefox sections
but preview isn't showing any space between those two.

I am not sure how to share an unpublished article's link here but you will find it in 'pending review' section under title 'What's New In Fedora 23 KDE
Plasma Desktop'.

Sudhir Khanger,

For reference, the preview of the article can be found here:


Overall, this article seems like a fantastic type of piece for the Magazine! I just did a little bit of editing, but I didn't get to finish because I'm about to be heading out here shortly.

I can take another look at it in a few hours if someone else doesn't already get to it. Overall, I think it's pretty complete. As for publication, I'm not sure what the others' thoughts are about putting it out today - I think there's a few other things going out today, so it might be better to put it out Monday or Tuesday to make sure it doesn't get drowned out in other noise.

Thanks again for contributing this piece to the Magazine. :)


Justin W. Flory

The thing that confuses me here (as a non-kde user) is what is the "Plasma Desktop?" -- should the messaging here be more about the KDE spin, which the plasma desktop is a part of?

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