On Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 04:39:55PM -0300, Sylvia Sánchez wrote:
> Hi Remy!
> Yes, I save often but my connection got too slow and... I don't know why it
> deleted the whole thing instead of just the last changes but well, that's
> what it did.
> You're right I'll keep an offline copy from now on.
> On a side note, I've been playing around with some photos for the banner.
> Later on or maybe tomorrow I'll post the results.

Sylvia, look in the upper right corner of the article editor.  There
is a note about Revisions.  You can look at those and see if there's
an older version you can restore.  I see several revisions from Jan 23
that have lots of content, so maybe you can recover your work.

Paul W. Frields                                http://paul.frields.org/
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