On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 01:49:34PM -0400, Natalie Ardasevova wrote:
> Hi guys, if there is time during the meeting, I'd like to ask for your 
> feedback for the post-Flock article, a draft of which is here:
> https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=14124&preview=1&_ppp=c18846a76c

Hi Natalie, I've looked at the article and am doing some light
editing.  The end of the article claims to need some links to both
videos and a list of blog posts about Flock.  I think the videos are
not yet available -- Joe Brockmeier is working on that -- but are you
assembling a list of those blog posts to which to link?

Paul W. Frields  <pfrie...@redhat.com>
Manager, Fedora Engineering - Emerging Platform
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