> Hi Dhanesh! You are not an unfamiliar face, so I will skip over some of 
> the usual formalities. Welcome to the Marketing mailing list, and sorry 
> for my slow reply. :)

Thank you! :)

> Since you are looking to pick up some new skills and don't have any 
> formal background in Marketing, you might want to flip through some of 
> the Pagure tickets we have open to get a feel for "what's happening" in 
> Marketing. I structured the Marketing workflow similar to CommOps, so it 
> shouldn't be too unfamiliar to you.
>      https://pagure.io/fedora-marketing/issues

I'll definitely go through all the tickets and see if there is anything I can 
help with. 

> Right now, we're currently gearing up for the final release of Fedora 
> 25. Part of this will include drafting of the final release 
> announcements for the Magazine / announce mailing list. I also think it 
> could be a helpful thing if there were some "feature profiles" of new 
> things coming in Fedora 25 on the Fedora Magazine.

Need to study the release changelog to be able to do that. 

> However, there is more to Marketing than only writing. One of the things 
> I've been wanting to do for a long time, but have lacked the cycles to 
> manage such a thing, is a marketing campaign specific to university 
> students. A campaign like this would need to consider a number of 
> different factors and would require some creative planning and 
> brainstorming. If this is something interesting to you, I'd love to find 
> some time to talk about it, factor it into the EDU Talking Points that 
> we've started to discuss in CommOps, and determine the steps necessary 
> to craft an effective and engaging campaign to university students 
> globally (although it would be more effective use of our time to target 
> individual regions first, especially where we have the contributors to 
> do so).

I love this idea! I'll be around for another week before I head off to prepare 
for my examination.  So we can have a chat whenever you find some free time in 
the coming week. 

> This may have turned into a more detailed or starry-eyed sort of idea 
> than a proper welcome email, but I'd love to find a way to get you 
> involved in Marketing with something personally interesting and engaging 
> to you.

This is super exciting! :D

> Hope this helps provide some insight and direction. :) Let us know if 
> you have any questions beyond this. Thanks!

No questions at the moment but I won't feel shy to post here if there are any. 
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