Dear colleagues:

There was an impressive spirit of constructive dialogue displayed
at the Southern Resident Killer Whale Symposium held last month
in Seattle, Washington (April 3-5, 2006).  In an effort to
continue (and broaden) such dialogue and facilitate recovery of
the endangered orca, a virtual collaborative space called the
Orcasphere ( ) has been launched.  I invite
you to explore this site devoted to the southern residents and to
use the tools it provides for blogging, threaded discussion,
photo display, and file exchange.

I think MarMam readers will enjoy one of the first Orcasphere
blog entries that describes a "greeting ceremony" of the southern
residents.  The ceremony was observed on October 4, 2005, by Beam
Reach students (amongst others) which coincided with the last
time a matriarch (L32) was seen.  The blog provides links to
video, underwater sound, and still photos:

Beam Reach, a marine science and sustainability school, sponsors
Orcasphere in an effort to provide a collaborative space for our
students and the community of researchers, policy makers, and
citizens dedicated to the recovery of orcas and their ecosystem.  
There is still space available during our fall 2006 class that
will focus on the acoustic study of the orcas and their
environment.  Application instructions can be found at:

Best regards,
Dr. Scott Veirs, [EMAIL PROTECTED] | (206) 251-5554

Note: The Beam Reach research opportunity is part of an academic
study-away program.  Participation requires application,
acceptance, and tuition payment.  Financial aid is available.  
Beam Reach is affiliated with the Colorado College orca
vocalization and localization (OVAL) project [conference
presentations/pre-prints available upon request].  Beam Reach
courses are approved for credit by the University of Washington.

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