Dear all,

here are some new publications of week 16/ 2008,
which haven't been announced on MARMAM earlier AFAIK.

By clicking the following link you are guided to 
a website, where the following references are 
linked to their according journal homepages. 
There you can find abstracts and contact 

Please do not contact MARMAM, the MARMAM editors or me for reprints. Thank you.

Thanks to all of you who sent in reprints to be 
included in the weekly announcements.

Kindest Regards,
Jan Herrmann


Budge, S.M. et al. (2008):
Blubber fatty acid composition of bowhead whales, 
Balaena mysticetus: Implications for diet 
assessment and ecosystem monitoring.
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 359(1): 40-46.

Pringle, H. (2008):
Society for American Archaeology meeting. Signs of the first whale hunters.
Science 320(5873): 175.

Spinsanti, G. et al. (2008):
Selection of reliable reference genes for qRT-PCR 
studies on cetacean fibroblast cultures exposed 
to OCs, PBDEs, and 17beta-estradiol.
Aquatic Toxicology 87(3): 178-186.


Härkönen, T.J. et al. (2008):
Mass mortality in harbour seals and harbour 
porpoises caused by an unknown pathogen.
The Veterinary Record 162(17): 555-556.

Rozengart, E.V. and N.E. Basova (2007):
Enzymological characteristic of the 
cholinesterase from the caudate nucleus of the 
Ladoga seal (Phoca hispida ladogensis) brain.
Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics 416(1-6): 260-263.

Southwell, C. et al. (2008):
Uncommon or cryptic? Challenges in estimating 
leopard seal abundance by conventional but 
state-of-the-art methods.
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 55(4): 519-531.


Stevens, H. et al. (2008):
Novel papillomavirus isolated from the oral 
mucosa of a polar bear does not cluster with 
other papillomaviruses of carnivores.
Veterinary Microbiology 129(1-2): 108-116.

--> jan.herrmann -at -

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