Dear MARMAM readers,

The Dolphin Communication Project (DCP), a non-profit research and education 
organization, is offering two college-level courses for university students to 
learn more about cetacean ecology and delphinid behavior. Both topics present 
classes that are set within the frameworks of their parent disciplines of field 
ecology and animal behavior.

Both of DCP's college courses offer field and classroom components with effort 
and hours per course equivalent to that of a three-credit university course. 
Each course is unique in location (international site) and scheduling. 

Bimini Cetacean Ecology - Professors coordinate with DCP's Bimini Research 
Manager to schedule one to two week courses at times convenient with that 
school's academic calendar. These classes typically include students from a 
single university and can be scheduled for any time during the year (though 
seasonal weather should be considered when scheduling dates). Learn more about 
our Bimini Cetacean Ecology Field Course at: 

RIMS Dolphin Behavior - This three-credit equivalent course is offered by DCP 
to interested students from different universities. DCP's RIMS dolphin behavior 
course runs from 4 - 25 January 2010 with a field component from 7 - 16 January 
2010 in Roatan, Honduras at Anthony's Key Resort. The non-field portion of the 
course is held via distance learning through web connections. Learn more about 
our RIMS Dolphin Behavior Course at: 

If you would like to receive a copy of our one-page color flyer to post on 
campus and share with students, please let us know ( We will 
then email the PDF file to you such that you can share it with other 
professors, interested students, and various offices on your campus. Or you can 
download the flyer from either of the links above.

Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to hearing from you 
and to introducing your students to the experiences of scientific field work 
soon! For an abbreviated list of publications by DCP researchers, please see 
the end of this email. For a full listing, including student theses and 
dissertations, visit the publications section of our website:

Kathleen Dudzinski, Ph.D
Kelly Melillo, MSc.

Kelly Melillo
Research Associate, Bimini Research Manager
Dolphin Communication Project

Selected Refereed Publications:

Dudzinski, K.M., Clark, C.W., Würsig, B. 1995. A mobile video/acoustic system 
for simultaneously recording dolphin behavior and vocalizations underwater. 
Aquatic Mammals 21(3): 187-193.

Dudzinski, K.M. 1998. Contact behavior and signal exchange among Atlantic 
spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis). Aquatic Mammals 24(3): 129-142.

Dudzinski, K.M., M. Sakai, M., Masaki, K., Kogi, K., Hishii, T., Kurimoto, M. 
2003. Behavioral observations of adult and sub-adult dolphins towards two dead 
bottlenose dolphins (one female and one male). Aquatic Mammals 29(1): 108-116. 

Gregg, J.D., Dudzinski, K.M., Smith, H.V. 2007. Do dolphins eavesdrop on the 
echolocation signals of conspecifics? International Journal of Comparative 
Psychology, 20: 65-88 

Paulos, R.D., Dudzinski, K.M., Kuczaj, S.A. 2008.  The role of touch in select 
social interactions of Atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis) and 
Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus). Ethology 26: 153-164.

Dudzinski, K.M., Thomas, J. Gregg, J.D. 2008. Communication. In (W.F. Perrin, 
B. Würsig, H.C.M. Thewissen, eds) Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals, second 
edition. Academic Press, Inc.

Dudzinski, K.M., Gregg, J.D., Ribic, C.A., Kuczaj, S.A. 2009. A comparison of 
pectoral fin contact between two different wild dolphin populations. 
Behavioural Processes, 80:182-190 

Melillo, K.E., Dudzinski, K.M., Cornick, L.A. 2009. Interactions between 
Atlantic spotted (Stenella frontalis) and bottlenose (Tursiops truncatus) 
dolphins off Bimini, The Bahamas, 2003-2007. Aquatic Mammals, 35:281-291

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