The deadline to apply for the CDOC Project Summer Field Course has been
extended. Applications will be reviewed and accepted on a first-come,
first-served basis between now and the end of May.  See below for a
description of the course: 


Field Course Advertisement

The Coastal Dolphins of Orange County (CDOC) Project is accepting
applications for its 2013 summer and fall field courses.  Based out of
Newport Beach, CA, the field course will involve a commitment of
approximately 20 hours per week extending over a 12-week period from June 3
- August 23, 2013 (summer course) and September 2 - November 22, 2013 (fall
course).  There is some flexibility in these start and end dates.  The
program offers an excellent opportunity for qualified and motivated
individuals to obtain field and laboratory training in behavioral, acoustic,
and photo-id methodology and analyses under the mentorship of experienced
dolphin researchers.

Program participants will receive training in three broad areas of dolphin
research:  1) fieldwork, 2) laboratory work, and 3) literature
research/seminar.  Fieldwork includes photo-identification, behavioral
sampling, and acoustic sampling (including passive acoustic monitoring of
marine mammals).  Fieldwork will involve both shore- and boat-based data
collection and observation, although most participants spend about 75% of
their time collecting data from shore and 25% from the boat.  Laboratory
work will provide participants training in how to build and maintain a
digital photo-identification catalog using ACDSee and fin-identification
software, analysis of digitized acoustic data using signal processing
software (e.g., Canary), and entry and analysis of behavioral data using
SPSS, Excel, and R software.  Weekly seminars will provide participants the
opportunity to discuss relevant scientific research articles, receive
instruction on methodology and theory related to dolphin research, and
present research on their own topic of interest relevant to the project.  In
addition, local experts lead guest seminars on a variety of topics,
including marine mammal veterinary medicine, stranding and rehabilitation,
acoustic analysis, and communication in cetaceans.

Program activities are closely tied to the working schedule of the CDOC
Project, which operates on a seven day-a-week basis.  The field course is
structured around the goals of the CDOC Project, which include understanding
the behavior, distribution, and social ecology of Pacific Coast Common
Bottlenose Dolphins, Tursiops truncatus.  For more information about the
project, please visit www. <> <> . Program participants will work
under the immediate supervision of Dr. Kayla Causey, Director of the CDOC
Project.  During a typical week, students can expect to spend about three
days (~3 hours per day) collecting data in the field, one evening (about
3-hours) in seminar, and a combination of two afternoons or mornings (~8
hours total) working in the lab.  In addition, students should allot time to
complete assigned readings and prepare for the week's seminar discussion.

 The fee for the three-month field course is $1000, payable to Cal State
Fullerton Philanthropic Foundation.  Course participants will be responsible
for their own living expenses and transportation to and from the field site
in Newport Beach and California State University Fullerton.  The course may
be repeated three times in succession (i.e., one year).

 The CDOC Project Field Course is intended to provide a mentored training
opportunity for a small and select group of applicants.  Ideal candidates
will be advanced undergraduates or recent graduates of a
scientifically-oriented university program in marine science, biology,
comparative psychology, or a related field.  Preference will be given to
applicants with well-developed computer skills and boating experience.  It
is expected that most applicants will pursue the CDOC Project Field Course
as part of their general academic preparation for graduate work in cetacean
science or animal behavior.  Unlike many other marine mammal internships, we
have designed our course to serve as a scholarly endeavor.  Our goal in
structuring the program is to provide an experience for advanced students
that will complement their undergraduate course work and provide them with
the "hands on" experience that many graduate advisors look for in potential
graduate students.

 Applications will be reviewed and accepted on a first-come, first-serve
basis. Interested parties should contact Kayla Causey at to find out whether applications are still being
accepted for the applicant's preferred semester. To apply, please send a
letter of interest including a brief biographical sketch, a detailed
description of the applicant's academic history and any considerations such
as special skills, experiences, and interests that would assist in the
selection process.  The letter should also indicate the applicant's
preferred semester (Summer or Fall) and any time constraints associated with
participation.  Interested applicants should email materials to Kayla Causey
at  <>  Please also have
two letters of recommendation sent from professors or research supervisors
who are familiar with the applicant's scholarship, research skills, and work
habits relevant to the internship.  

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