The U.S. Navy has prepared a Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement 
(EIS), which is now available for public review and comment.  This EIS 
re-evaluates potential impacts from ongoing military training activities 
conducted in the Gulf of Alaska Temporary Maritime Activities Area.  The 
document can be found online at the project website at or at one 
of the locations listed below in the press release. 

The Navy invites the public to submit comments on the analysis presented in the 
EIS.  The 60-day comment period begins this Friday, August 22 and ends October 

Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thank you.

Very Respectfully,
Liane Nakahara
Public Affairs Specialist
Navy Region Northwest
Phone: (360) 396-1630
Fax: (360) 396-7127

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                           
Aug. 19, 2014
Release #14-015


SILVERDALE, Wash. - The U.S. Navy has prepared a Draft Supplemental 
Environmental Impact Statement/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement 
(EIS/OEIS), which is now available for public review and comment, to 
re-evaluate potential impacts from ongoing military training activities 
conducted in the Gulf of Alaska Temporary Maritime Activities Area (TMAA). The 
Navy prepared this analysis to update the Gulf of Alaska Navy Training 
Activities Final EIS/OEIS, which was completed with community input in May 
2011, and to support federal regulatory permits and authorizations. 

In the Draft Supplemental EIS/OEIS, the Navy uses a new acoustic modeling 
method and evaluates new, relevant information, such as new marine mammal 
density data and new scientific information, and updates environmental analyses 
as appropriate. The Navy analyzed data using the new Navy Acoustic Effects 
Model to evaluate potential effects on marine species from training activities.

Please help inform your community by sharing this information.

Proposed Action:
The Navy's Proposed Action is the same as the Proposed Action in the 2011 GOA 
Final EIS/OEIS, which is to continue conducting periodic military training 
activities in the TMAA to accomplish its mission to maintain, train and equip 
combat-ready naval forces capable of winning wars, deterring aggression and 
maintaining freedom of the seas. This mission is achieved in part by training 
within the TMAA. The TMAA and Proposed Action, including the location, number 
and frequency of major training exercises, remain unchanged from the 2011 

The Supplemental EIS/OEIS supports authorization of incidental takes of marine 
mammals under the Marine Mammal Protection Act and incidental takes of 
threatened and endangered species under the Endangered Species Act. Current 
federal regulatory permits and authorizations will expire in May 2016.

Visit the project website at to download the Draft Supplemental 
EIS/OEIS, learn more about the project and submit comments online.

Availability of Draft Supplemental EIS/OEIS and Public Comment Period:
The Draft Supplemental EIS/OEIS is available for public review online at and at the following locations:
.       Alaska State Library
.       Copper Valley Community Library 
.       Cordova Public Library
.       Homer Public Library
.       Kodiak Public Library
.       Seward Community Library
.       University of Alaska Fairbanks/Rasmuson Library
.       Z.J. Loussac Library

The Navy is accepting comments throughout the 60-day public comment period, 
from Aug. 22, 2014, to Oct. 20, 2014. All comments must be postmarked or 
received online by Oct. 20, 2014, for consideration in the Final Supplemental 
EIS/OEIS. Written comments may be submitted via the project website at, in person at the public meetings or by mail to:

Naval Facilities Engineering Command Northwest
Attention: Ms. Amy Burt - GOA Supplemental EIS/OEIS Project Manager
1101 Tautog Circle, Suite 203
Silverdale, WA 98315-1101

Public Meetings:
The Navy is holding five public meetings to inform the public about the 
Proposed Action and to provide an opportunity for the public to comment on the 
adequacy and accuracy of the supplemental environmental analysis. The public 
meetings will include an open house information session starting at 5 p.m. 
During this time, Navy representatives will provide information and answer 
questions about the Proposed Action and environmental analysis. A short 
presentation by the Navy will begin at 6:30 p.m., followed by a formal oral 
comment session. Written and oral comments will be accepted throughout each 
public meeting. The public meetings will be held at the following locations and 

Open House Information Sessions: 5-8 p.m.
Navy Presentation: 6:30 p.m.

Kodiak, AK
Monday, Sept. 8, 2014
Elks Lodge
102 W. Marine Way

Anchorage, AK
Tuesday, Sept. 9, 2014
Z.J. Loussac Library
Public Conference Room
3600 Denali St.

Homer, AK
Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2014
Best Western Bidarka Inn
Sea Breeze Room
575 Sterling Highway

Juneau, AK
Thursday, Sept. 11, 2014
Juneau Arts & Humanities Council 
Main Hall
350 Whittier St.

Cordova, AK
Friday, Sept. 12, 2014
Mt. Eccles Elementary School
Simpler Gymnasium
201 Adams St.

Individuals requiring reasonable accommodations, please contact Liane Nakahara, 
Navy Region Northwest Public Affairs Specialist, at 360-396-1630 or 
liane.nakahara @ 


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