MARMAM Colleagues 

I am pleased to announce acceptance of my Doctoral thesis, which is now 
available online from Southern Cross University ePublications at: <> 


Abundance, population dynamics, reproduction, rates of population increase and 
migration linkages of eastern Australian humpback whales (Megaptera 
novaeangliae) utilising Hervey Bay, Queensland

Hervey Bay is located to the south of the putative breeding and overwintering 
grounds of the eastern Australian humpback whale population in the Great 
Barrier Reef. Previous research has established that large numbers of humpback 
whales stopover in Hervey Bay during the early stages of the southern migration 
to Antarctic summer feeding areas.

In this study robust design modeling of long-term capture histories of 
individual humpback whales and analysis of photo-identification data – obtained 
during observations of humpback whales in Hervey Bay over 21 years (1992 to 
2012) and from other locations across the Pacific, eastern Australia, western 
Australia, east Africa and Antarctic Area IV and V feeding areas - are used to 
address a core question: What is the role and function of Hervey Bay during the 
migration of eastern Australian (Group E1) humpback whales? The data are used 
to investigate the specific questions: how many humpback whales use Hervey Bay 
within season and over years; how long do humpback whales using Hervey Bay stay 
in the Bay; is there site-fidelity to Hervey Bay; what proportion of eastern 
Australian humpback whales are using Hervey Bay, what is the rate of 
reproduction and rates of population increase of humpback whales using Hervey 
Bay; and what patterns are evident for migratory movements and interchange with 
other regions, including potential feeding areas in Antarctica.

The estimated yearly abundance of humpback whales visiting Hervey Bay increased 
from 791 in 1997 (95% CI, 407-1176) to 4406 in 2009 (95% CI, 3343-5470). The 
trajectory of increase in estimated abundance over the 17 years was near linear 
and slightly greater than the trajectory of increase in the estimated abundance 
of the whole eastern Australian humpback whale population. A relatively 
constant proportion of eastern Australian humpback whales visited Hervey Bay 
each year (mean = 34%, standard deviation = 5.3%).

Between years apparent survival was estimated to be relatively constant over 
years at 95% (SE = 0.012, 95% CI, 0.918:0.966) and near to the upper limits of 
biologically plausible survival levels for humpback whales. The near constant 
proportion of whales occurring in Hervey Bay from the eastern Australian 
population and the very high site-fidelity of some of those whales in Hervey 
Bay, suggest that the same cohorts of humpback whales return regularly to 
Hervey Bay. This study provides the first evidence that a specific sub-group 
from the eastern Australian humpback whale population uses Hervey Bay and that 
the sub-group is growing at a greater rate than the eastern Australian 

Between week entry probabilities display a regular form over years, with 
variation in the proportion of yearly visitors present prior to the beginning 
of sampling in each season (mean = 17%, SD = 6.5%), which may be related to the 
shifts in the timing of the migration.  Within season abundance is heavily 
skewed to the first half of the season, with approximately 83% of entries 
occurring in the first five weeks of the season and 17% of entries occurring 
during the last five weeks of the season. There are two distinct peaks in 
abundance within season; the highest in week 3 and the second highest abundance 
occurs in week 8 each year. The lowest probability of entry (1.2%, 95% CI, 
0.0004-0.028) and the lowest between week apparent survival (1.3%, 95% CI, 
0.062-0.262) occurs between weeks 5 and 6. These results coincide with the 
mid-season departure of the mature female, immature and older male, and female 
cohorts, and the arrival of lactating females with older calves and 
accompanying mature male escort cohorts that dominate the latter half of the 

Temporary emigration was estimated to be constant over years at 14.1% (SE  = 
0.038; 95% CI, 0.081:0.234) and is consistent with a hypothesis that two 
cohorts – each comprising of breeding females depending upon their breeding 
status - visit Hervey Bay in alternate years. The typical residency time of 
humpback whales visiting Hervey Bay is about 1.4 – 2.0 weeks (mean = 1.6 weeks, 
SD = 0.34).

The observed proportion of calves to whales in Hervey Bay (weekly average 1997 
to 2009 = 17.9%) is consistent with the estimated growth rate of the eastern 
Australian population and calf survival of humpback whales that utilise Hervey 
Bay may be higher than for the eastern Australian population as a whole. 
Modelling of the population trajectory of humpback whales utilising Hervey Bay 
reveals that observed abundance estimates exhibit a logistic trend with a 
faster growth rate in the mid-1970s, near linear growth during the early and 
mid-2000s and a slightly decreasing growth rate by 2009. The average rate of 
increase in abundance of humpback whales utilising Hervey Bay between 1997 and 
2009 was estimated at 14.2% (95%CI 11.1% to 15%).

The analysis of all natural marks - including ventral tail fluke marks, dorsal 
fin shapes and lateral body marks - observed on 79 individual humpback whales 
over long time-spans ranging from 2 to 21 years, showed very low levels of 
change in primary and secondary natural marks, no significant difference in the 
proportion of changes in the natural marks on ventral tail flukes compared the 
dorsal fin shapes and to the natural lateral body marks. The use of dorsal fin 
shapes and lateral body marks in conjunction with ventral tail fluke natural 
marks provides a reliable mechanism to minimise and manage misidentification in 
large humpback whale photo-identification datasets.

Analysis of photo-identification data of fluke matches between New Caledonia 
and Hervey Bay revealed low levels of intermingling between eastern Australia 
and New Caledonia, consistent with these populations being discrete breeding 
populations. Matches between eastern Australia and New Zealand provided the 
first evidence that eastern Australian humpback whales are travelling through 
southern New Zealand waters en-route to and from Antarctic feeding areas.

Analysis of photo-identification data of fluke matches between the Balleny 
Islands and Hervey Bay supports the hypothesis that Antarctic Area V waters, in 
the vicinity of the Balleny islands, is a summer feeding area for some eastern 
Australian humpback whales, including at least some whales resighted in Hervey 
Bay. While matching of fluke catalogues from Antarctic Area IV with fluke 
catalogues from Eastern Australia, Western Australia and East Africa provided 
evidence that the humpback whales photographed in the Antarctic Area IV feeding 
area are from a different population to the African and Australian populations. 
There was weak evidence supporting the hypothesis that the whales photographed 
in Antarctica are from the Western Australian population. Photo-identification 
photography data also showed that humpback whales from eastern Australia do not 
always travel directly to Antarctic Area V to feed and may exhibit a diverse 
range of feeding destinations after leaving Australian coastal waters

This study presents the first evidence that the humpback whales utilising 
Hervey Bay may be a sub-group of the eastern Australian (E1) humpback whale 
population. Hervey Bay provides a unique stopover for extended residency early 
in the southern migration for mature females, either early pregnant or resting, 
accompanying immature males and females, and lactating females with new calves 
during the latter season. Humpback whales from Hervey Bay use complex migratory 
pathways to and from Antarctic feeding areas and are involved in low levels of 
migratory interchange with nearby Pacific populations. This study provides the 
first evidence that eastern Australian humpbacks use the southern waters of New 
Zealand en-route to and from Antarctic feeding areas. Data presented in this 
study suggests that utilising Hervey Bay as a stopover may contribute to the 
social development and high survival rates of calves and younger humpback 
whales. This may provide a reproductive advantage to these eastern Australian 
humpback whales and be a factor in the relatively high rates of increase in 
abundance observed in humpback whales using Hervey Bay compared to the eastern 
Australian breeding populations and to other humpback populations.

Wally Franklin PhD, Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW <> 

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