A PhD project on dolphin acoustic communication is available at the Cetacean 
Ecology and Acoustics Lab (CEAL) 
www.uq.edu.au/whale<http://www.uq.edu.au/whale> .
A fully funded PhD project on bottlenose dolphin acoustic communication is 
currently available.  The project will involve surveying bottlenose dolphins 
(Tursiops aduncus) in Moreton Bay, adjacent to Brisbane. Photo ID will be used 
to develop a social network analysis of the dolphin groups and an array of 
hydrophones will be used to attempt to allocate whistles to individual animals 
while recording other behaviours.  The study will extend our understanding of 
the use of signature whistles in different behavioural and social situations as 
well as the role of variant whistles.
A student is required to start on this project as soon as possible. For this 
reason, an Australian or New Zealand student would be preferred but 
applications from international students will be considered. Australian and New 
Zealand students should have a first class honours degree in biology with a 
solid understand of behavioural ecology, and should be eligible for an 
Australian Postgraduate Award. International students should have a first class 
honours degree or masters degree and, to be competitive for an international 
scholarship, at least one peer-reviewed publication. Knowledge or experience in 
marine mammal biology, bioacoustics and/or social network analysis would be 
desirable as would prior experience in conducting marine field work and small 
boat handling.
Interested students should contact Assoc. Prof. Michael Noad at 
mn...@uq.edu.au<mailto:mn...@uq.edu.au> and Dr Rebecca Dunlop 
r.dun...@uq.edu.au<mailto:r.dun...@uq.edu.au> with an expression of interest 
and CV by the end of January 2017.

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