Dear MARMAM and ECS-talk subscribers,
Happy New Year!
Apologies to those of you who will receive duplicate emails due to 

The following titles represent the contents of the most recent issue (Volume 
43, issue 1, 2017) of Aquatic Mammals. The online issue is now available at 
this link:

For individuals with a print subscription, the double print copy of 43.1/43.2 
will be mailed in March 2017.
Check out our revised web site! 
The web site features revisions to make the current issue readily visible and 
to allow for easier navigating through content!
Also, beginning in 2017, Aquatic Mammals has increased from 4 to 6 issues per 
year. We will publish online on January 15, March 15, May 15, July 15, 
September 15, and November 15, with hard copies printed in double three times a 
year for print subscribers. 
Aquatic Mammals is the longest running peer-reviewed journal dedicated to 
research on aquatic mammals and is published quarterly with manuscripts 
available as published PDFs in real time. Further information about the journal 
can be found at: 
To submit a manuscript for publication consideration, please visit: 
If you subscribe to Aquatic Mammals online, you can visit the journal web site 
and sign in to download all articles from this volume: <>
Please do not contact the listserv editors for PDFs or copies of the articles. 
To obtain a PDF, please subscribe to Aquatic Mammals <> or contact the 
corresponding author for reprints. Links to a purchase page for each article 
are also included below. Please see list below for Volume 42, issue 4 contents.
Thank you for your continued interest in the journal and abstract postings.
With regards,
Kathleen Dudzinski, Ph.D.
Editor, Aquatic Mammals <>

Research Articles

Patrícia Rachinas-Lopes, Ana R. Luís, Ana S. Borges, Márcia Neto, and Manuel E. 
dos Santos. (2017). Whistle Stability and Variation in Captive Bottlenose 
Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) Recorded in Isolation and Social Contexts. 
Aquatic Mammals, 43(1), 1-13. DOI: 
María José Amador-Capitanachi, Xchel G. Moreno-Sánchez, Ariadna Juárez-Ruiz, 
Giulia Ferretto, and Fernando R. Elorriaga-Verplancken. (2017). Trophic 
Variation Between the Two Existing Guadalupe Fur Seal Colonies on Guadalupe 
Island and the San Benito Archipelago, Mexico. Aquatic Mammals, 43(1), 14-25. 
Alejandro Arias-Del Razo, Yolanda Schramm, Gisela Heckel, Ángeles 
Milanés-Salinas, Bertha García-Capitanachi, Denise Lubinsky-Jinich, and Mónica 
Franco-Ortiz. (2017). Distribution of Four Pinnipeds (Zalophus californianus, 
Arctocephalus philippii townsendi, Phoca vitulina richardii, and Mirounga 
angustirostris) on Islands off the West Coast of the Baja California Peninsula, 
Mexico. Aquatic Mammals, 43(1), 40-51. DOI: 
Giovanna C. Figueiredo, Marcos C. de O. Santos, Salvatore Siciliano, and 
Jailson F. Moura. (2017). Southern Right Whales (Eubalaena australis) in an 
Urbanized Area off the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean: Updated Records and 
Conservation Issues. Aquatic Mammals, 43(1), 52-62. DOI: 
Denise Lubinsky-Jinich, Yolanda Schramm, and Gisela Heckel. (2017). The Pacific 
Harbor Seal’s (Phoca vitulina richardii) Breeding Colonies in Mexico: Abundance 
and Distribution. Aquatic Mammals, 43(1), 73-81. DOI: 
Wendy Noke Durden, Eric D. Stolen, Teresa A. Jablonski, Stefanie A. Puckett, 
and Megan K. Stolen. (2017). Monitoring Seasonal Abundance of Indian River 
Lagoon Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) Using Aerial Surveys. Aquatic 
Mammals, 43(1), 90-112. DOI: 
Short Notes

Kevin P. Robinson, Connor C. G. Bamford, Alan Airey, Thomas S. Bean, Colin 
Bird, Gary N. Haskins, Texa M. C. Sim, and Peter G. H. Evans. (2017). Killer 
Whale (Orcinus orca) Occurrence in the Moray Firth, Northeast Scotland: 
Incidental Sightings, Behavioural Observations, and Photo-Identification. 
Aquatic Mammals, 43(1), 26-32. DOI: 
Wang Xianyan, Wu Fuxing, Dai Yufei, Zhu Qian, Wu Haiping, Peng Chongwei, and Xu 
Youhou. (2017). Encounters with Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins (Sousa 
chinensis) Carrying Dead Calves in Sanniang Bay, Guangxi Province, China. 
Aquatic Mammals, 43(1), 33-39. DOI: 
Jorge Acevedo, Anelio Aguayo-Lobo, Alejandro González, Daniela Haro, Carlos 
Olave, Francisca Quezada, Francisco Martínez, Sarah Garthe, and Benjamín 
Cáceres. (2017). Occurrence of Sei Whales (Balaenoptera borealis) in the 
Magellan Strait from 2004-2015, Chile. Aquatic Mammals, 43(1), 63-72. DOI: 
Alexandros A. Karamanlidis, Oleg Lyamin, Stella Adamantopoulou, and Panagiotis 
Dendrinos. (2017). First Observations of Aquatic Sleep in the Mediterranean 
Monk Seal (Monachus monachus). Aquatic Mammals, 43(1), 82-86. DOI: 
William Pérez, Javier S. Tellechea, and Martin Lima. (2017). Remnant of 
Intra-Abdominal Vitelline Artery in the Antarctic Minke Whale (Balaenoptera 
bonaerensis) and in the Sei Whale (Balaenoptera borealis). Aquatic Mammals, 
43(1), 87-89. DOI: 
Conor Ryan, Greig Macleod, Cameron Dinsdale, and Stuart Cook. (2017). Long-Term 
Association Between a Solitary Common Dolphin (Delphinus delphis delphis)and a 
Harbour Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). Aquatic Mammals, 43(1), 113-115. DOI: 

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