Dear Marmam community,

CIIMAR-Madeira(Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research of 
Madeira) incollaboration with the Oceanic Observatory of Madeira, is offering 
acourse on Marine Mammals Researchand Conservation. This course is directed to 
students or anyoneinterested in learning more about marine mammals, aiming to 
gain valuableresearch experience on the field.

 This5 days course includes lectures, field trips out to sea, data handling, 
coursematerial and certificate, and will cover a wide range of topics like 
photo-ID,distribution, abundance, behavior, habitat use, human interactions, 
socialstructure, conservation, education and more. On each field trip, the 
studentswill learn how to collect data, sampling techniques and 


October2nd -6th 2017

 Fee: 500€ 


Thefee includes

- Accommodation in shared room;

-  Insurance during the course;

-  Course material;

-  Certificate.

Duringyour free time you can enjoy exploring the beautiful island of Madeira, 
locatedin the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, with its breathtaking landscapes 

Formore information, please contact:

 Ana Dinis, PhD CIIMAR-Madeira,  ARDITI-OOM 
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