Dear Colleagues,

The 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting <> will take place 
11-16 February 2018 in Portland, Oregon.  The meeting is an important venue for 
scientific exchange across broad marine science disciplines, with sessions on 
all aspects of oceanography.  We would like to call your attention to a session 
<> we will be 
chairing entitled “Advances in approaches to monitoring the occurrence, 
distribution, behavior, and ecology of top predators” (IS001). This session has 
been convened at the Ocean Sciences meetings since 2010, and it provides a 
wonderful opportunity for researchers studying a variety of taxa (including 
marine mammals, seabirds, sea turtles, and fish) to meet, exchange ideas, and 
explore commonalities in research methods, scientific questions, and 
conservation efforts.  Please consider submitting an abstract 
<> and 
attending the meeting.  Abstracts are due by 6 September 2017.  More 
information on the session is below.

Mark Baumgartner, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 
Daniel Palacios, Oregon State University, 


Topic:  Ocean Observatories, Instrumentation and Sensing Technologies
Title:  IS001. Advances in approaches to monitoring the occurrence, 
distribution, behavior, and ecology of top predators
Session ID:  27549

Session Description:
Unlike most marine organisms, top predators can be monitored in the field as 
individuals, providing unique insight into behavioral strategies that influence 
the status and dynamics of populations.  Tremendous technological and 
methodological progress has been made in marine animal detection, tagging, and 
tracking in the past decade, and this session seeks to gather researchers to 
share new insights into both top predator ecology and physiology gleaned from 
these state-of-the-art approaches.  We encourage researchers working with 
autonomous platforms, passive acoustics, bio-logging, satellite telemetry, 
remote monitoring technologies, and other advanced methods to participate and 
present their latest results.


Some of the many marine mammal talks given at the Ocean Science top predator 
session in recent years:

Benoit-Bird, K.J.; Moline, M.A.; Southall, B.  The way to a whale’s habitat is 
through his stomach: a deep-diving, squid-hunting AUV provides insights into 
teuthivorous whale behavior

Zitterbart, D.P.; Richter, S.Kindermann, L.Boebel, O.  Automatic detection and 
identification of whales using thermal and visual imaging for cetacean censuses 
and marine mammal mitigation

Pelland, N., J. Sterling, A. Springer, S. Iverson, D. Johnson, M.-A. Lea, N.A 
Bond, R. Ream, C. Lee and C. Eriksen.  Satellite tagging, remote sensing, and 
autonomous vehicles reveal interactions between physiology and environment in a 
North Pacific top marine predator species (northern fur seal)

Misarti, N., L. Horstmann, C.T. Clark, P. Charapata, L. Olson, T.L. Fulton and 
A.M. Jensen.  It’s in their bones: 2000 years of pacific walrus adaptability 
and resilience.

Parks, S.E.; Cusano, D.Stimpert, A.K.; Weinrich, M.Wiley, D.  Ready, set, go: 
Evidence for acoustic coordination of bottom feeding by humpback whales using 
archival acoustic tag technology

Labrousse, Sara, J-B. Sallee, A.D. Fraser, R.A. Massom, P. Reid, M. Sumner, C. 
Guinet, R. Harcourt, F. Bailleul, M. Hindell and J-B. Charrassin.  Exploration 
of the relationships between sea ice patterns and foraging movements of a 
marine predator (elephant seal) in East Antarctica.

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