*Volunteer - Cetacean Research Assistant *

*About ELI-Scientific*

ELI-S is a small nonprofit organization composed of a team of three
volunteers based in France that has been created in 2013. Our organization
aims at promoting, protecting and conserving cetaceans. We have set up the
research project “Cetacean Conservation in Nicaragua” in 2015. This pioneer
project aims to generate knowledge on cetacean presence, population size,
distribution and habitat use patterns. The expected output is to generate:
1) scientific data on cetaceans in Nicaragua, 2) environmental awareness to
the local communities in order to create a socio-economic relevance in
conserving and protecting their natural environment and 3) responsible

ELI-Scientific is recruiting volunteer research assistants for field work,
photo-identification and data entry from January 22nd to April 22nd 2018 in
Padre Ramos and San Juan del Sur. All team members will have a training
beforehand on the field methodologies and protocols as well as on data
entry and management. Research assistants should expect to spend time on
the computer for data analysis but also to spend some days on the field to
gather data during the 12-week field study. The Research Assistant have a
unique opportunity to participate to a pioneer research project under the
supervision of experienced marine biologists, which gives the opportunity
for the assistant to develop both professionally but also personally thanks
to the unique experience to live within local communities. A commitment of
3 months is expected.

*Locations: *Padre Ramos North-West of Nicaragua

San Juan del Sur South-West of Nicaragua

*Period: *22 of January to 22 of April (3 months commitment)

*Type of agreement: *Full time.


-          Assist in Boat based and land based surveys in collecting data
on cetaceans

-          Photo-identification of whale and dolphin species

-          Update photo-ID catalogue

-          Data entry of collected data

-          Participate to public outreach and events

*Skills and qualifications:*

-          *Bsc or Mc in biology / environmental sciences*

-          *Fluency in Spanish (!)*

-          *Enthusiastic, conscientious and hard working*

-          Experience of working in developing countries

-          *Experience in delivering educational activities*

-          Proactive with ability to work unsupervised

-          Interest in wildlife and conservation

-          Being comfortable on a small boat and spend long hours on a boat
in the sun

-          Excellent verbal and written communication skills

-          Being able to work in a small team

-          Being able to live in basic living conditions

*Desirable skills :*

-          Have background in cetacean ecology

-          An interest and knowledge of marine life

-          A background in marine biology

-          Be able to swim

*Successful candidate will:*

-          Gain valuable experience in cetacean survey techniques and
behavioral studies

-          Work in a very dynamic environment

-          Get insight in running a research project in developing countries

This position is an *unpaid position* and requires a contribution fee of
500 euros per month (converted in dollar according to the exchange rate).

*This fee includes:*

-          Accommodation

-          All meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and cook

-          Water and electricity

-          Fieldwork expenses

-          Training to marine mammal survey material and methodologies

-          Membership to the organization for a year

-          2 t-shirts

*Fee does not include:*

-          Travel expenses to come to the study site

-          Personal expenses: restaurants, bars, telephone, internet,
cleaning clothes, etc.

*To apply:*

Please email a CV, 2 references and cover letter outlining your experience
and motivations. Send this to joelle.dewee...@eli-s.com with “Research
assistant 2018” in the subject line. Interviews via Skype. Deadline: 15th
of September 2017.

For further information and any queries, please contact *Joëlle De Weerdt,
Project Director*

Email: joelle.dewee...@eli-s.com
More information?

Website of Non profit: www.eli-s.com

Website of Project: www.nicacetacea.org
Facebook: ELI-Scientific
MARMAM mailing list

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