Dear all,


I am so happy to announce our new publication entitled "Marine vessels alter 
the behaviour ofbottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in the Istanbul Strait, 
Turkey" in Endangered Species Research.The article is open access and can be 
downloaded from the following links:

Citation: Bas AA, Christiansen F, Öztürk B, Öztürk AA,Erdoǧan MA, Watson LJ 
(2017) Marine vessels alter the behaviour of bottlenosedolphins Tursiops 
truncatus in the Istanbul Strait, Turkey. Endang Species Res34:1-14. 

ABSTRACT: Thenon-lethal impacts of marine vessels on cetaceans are now a 
globally recognisedthreat. This study is the first to investigate the effect of 
marine traffic onthe behaviour of bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in 
theIstanbul Strait, Turkey. The Istanbul Strait (also known as the Bosphorus) 
isone of the busiest international waterways in the world and is exposed to 
densemarine traffic. The effect of marine traffic, location and season on 
thebehavioural transitions was investigated through general log-linear 
analysis.Further, the changes on the behavioural budget and bout duration were 
assessedusing Markov chains. Results showed that marine vessels were the main 
drivingforce for the behavioural transitions. These changes in transitions 
betweenbehaviours led to significant changes in behavioural budget and bout 
durations(average time in each behavioural state). Surface-feeding, resting 
andsocialising behaviour significantly decreased in the control budget, 
whilediving showed an increase in the presence of vessels. Moreover, dolphins 
spentless time surface-feeding, resting, socialising and diving once 
disrupted.Furthermore, the current level of vessel-dolphin interaction (51%) in 
theIstanbul Strait was sufficiently high to alter the dolphins’ 
cumulativebehavioural budget significantly. Finally, speed and distance of 
vessels playeda considerable role in the directional responses of dolphins. 
These resultsraise concerns on the potential biological consequences of the 
observedbehavioural changes, considering that the population is already 
classified ‘atrisk’ and is still lacking species-specific conservation plans. 
The results ofthe study must be considered immediately to create protected 
zones in order tomitigate the vessel-dolphin interactions.

KEY WORDS: Bottlenose dolphins · Marine traffic ·Disturbance · Behavioural 
impacts · Behavioural budgets · Bout lengths ·Cumulative behaviour · Markov 
chain · Conservation

 I hope you enjoy reading it,

Best regards,
Dr. Aylin Akkaya Bas
Research CoordinatorDeniz Memelileri Araştırma Derneği (DMAD)Marine Mammals 
Research Association+90


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