Dear colleagues,

My co-authors and I are pleased to announce the following publication:

Cholewiak D, Clark CW, Ponirakis D, Frankel A and others (2018)
Communicating amidst the noise: modeling the aggregate influence of ambient
and vessel noise on baleen whale communication space in a national marine
sanctuary. Endang Species Res 36:59-75.

Anthropogenic noise negatively impacts many species. One of the more
insidious effects of elevated noise levels is the reduction in area over
which animals are able to acoustically communicate, often termed
communication masking. This study utilizes modeling approaches to evaluate
relative levels of masking for 4 baleen whale species from the combination
of current ambient noise conditions and noise from discrete vessels
operating in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary. Acoustic data
were collected using bottom-mounted autonomous recorders. One day was
analyzed for each of 5 different species-specific sound types,
corresponding to peaks in occurrence of fin and humpback whale songs,
humpback whale social sounds, minke whale pulse trains and North Atlantic
right whale gunshots. Source levels for animals and 3 categories of vessels
were calculated empirically; sound propagation was modeled using Bellhop
ray tracing. An agent-based modeling framework was used to calculate
changes in  communication space (CS) in comparison to reference conditions
(10 dB lower than current ambient noise). In these single day snapshots,
current ambient noise and noise from vessels for which automatic
identification system (AIS) data were available contribute most heavily to
loss of CS, followed by whale-watching and fishing vessels. Right whale
gunshots experience the least amount of masking, while fin, humpback and
minke whale signals experience masking levels of 80% or more. While these
results incorporate several simplifying assumptions, this study further
develops the framework by which to comparatively quantify masking,
providing information on the relative degree of masking experienced between
species and allowing for important insights on the relative contributions
of different anthropogenic sound sources.

The article is open access and is available through the link provided above.

Best wishes,

Danielle Cholewiak, Ph.D.
Passive Acoustic Research Group / Protected Species Branch
NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center
166 Water Street
Woods Hole, MA 02543

Tel: (508) 495-4742
Fax: (508) 495-2066
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