Dear MARMAM community,

The Aquatic Mammal Study Group of Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi
(GEMAM/MPEG), in Belém, Pará, Brazil, is searching for literature and
published data on multiple uses of cetaceans (food, bait, love charms,
talismans, medicine, etc.) as a contribution for a national database. It is
also aimed to supply data to international datasets already existing or
under construction.

In this context, we are pleased to announce the publication of the
following manuscripts relate to the subject and now available online:

Siciliano, S., Viana, M. C., Emin-Lima, R. & Bonvicino, C. R. (2018).
Dolphins, Love and Enchantment: Tracing the Use of Cetacean Products in
Brazil. Frontiers in Marine Science, 5(107)

Abstract – The production of love charms is very active throughout Brazil.
Products investigated were proved to be Guiana dolphins (*Sotalia
guianensis*) in the Amazon Estuary, Pará and Maranhão. By contrast,
products on sale in Rio de Janeiro are fake, as evidenced by further
analyses of the genetic markers which were attributable to various breeds
of pig (*Sus scrofa*).


Barbosa-Filho, M. L. V., Barreto, R. M. F., Siciliano, S., Seminara, C. I.
& Costa-Neto, E. M. (2018). Use of cetaceans as bait in Southern Bahia,
Brazil, by expert fishermen that market shark fins: A lucrative trade and
two threatened zoological groups. Ethnobiology Letters, 9(2), 12-18.

Abstract – This study shows the interrelation of people’s use of two
zoological groups: cetaceans as bait, which represents a threat to the
group, and sharks for commercialization, a group in which 75% of species
are endangered. It shows the ecological impacts of these interactions.
Protection measures will only be effective when they approach the local
culture in an integrated manner by considering traditional customs that
have developed from centuries of exploitation.

For more information about our search please contact:

*Renata Emin-Lima*


*Renata Emin-Lima*
Bolsista Programa de Capacitação Institucional (PCI/CNPq)
Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (MPEG)
CZO – Mastozoologia,
Assistente de Curadoria - ordens Cetartiodactyla e Sirenia &
Grupo de Estudos de Mamíferos Aquáticos da Amazônia (GEMAM)
Av. Perimetral, 1901, Terra Firme, Belém, Pará, Brasil

*+55 91 3075-6135*
*+55 91 98226-5005*
Skype: renataemin
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