Please see below details of a funded PhD based at the University of
Abertay, Scotland and in collaboration with the Sea Mammal Research Unit,
University of St Andrews.

Application closing date: 23rd July.

Seals as sentinels of antimicrobial resistance
Abertay University, through its R-LINCS scheme, offers a fully funded PhD
studentship. This encompasses an RCUK-equivalent stipend, registration fees
and support equipment and travel funds. The project involves processing and
analysis of samples from seals to determine their antimicrobial resistance
gene (AMRG) content. Tracking data from the same animals will then be used
to generate a spatial model to help understand potential AMRG reservoirs
and routes of dissemination in these marine mammals. The prospective
student will benefit from supervision under academic staff from the
Division of Science within the School of Science, Engineering and
Technology, who have expertise in molecular biology, microbiology and seal
physiology, and from the Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU) at the University
of St Andrews, who have expertise in seal tracking and spatial ecology. The
project offers an opportunity to develop a wide range of knowledge and
skills, ranging from molecular microbiology through to spatial ecology,
using our dedicated molecular microbiology labs and equipment. Although
based at Abertay University (Dundee), the student will have the opportunity
to engage in environmental sample collection and data analysis with Dr.
Debbie Russell and colleagues at the SMRU at the University of St Andrews.

Best wishes
Debbie Russell

Dr Debbie Russell
Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU)
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling (CREEM)

Postal Address:
Scottish Oceans Institute
University of St Andrews
KY16 8LB

Tel (SMRU):                          +44 (0)1334 467281
Tel (CREEM; Wednesdays): +44 (0)1334 461808

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