Every two years, the Sociedad Latinoamericana de Especialistas en Mamíferos
Acuáticos (SOLAMAC) organizes its biennial meeting. This event brings
together academics, researchers, government officers and students from
Universities and research centers from Latin America, as well as
international experts in marine mammal science. The meeting is a well-known
event providing a valuable platform to promote the advancement of
scientific knowledge, the development of new research ideas and the
dissemination of the last advances in marine mammal science in Latin
America and beyond. About 400 people attend this conference every second

This year’s SOLAMAC congress 2018 will be organized by the Peruvian
University, Cayetano Heredia in Lima, Peru. The conference theme is:
collaboration for the development of aquatic mammal science in Latin
America”.*The conference will be held in the city of Lima, from November 05
to 08 in 2018, with two days pre conference workshops (Nov 03-04).

Abstract submission deadline is July 30th 2018.

Early Bird Registration is until September 30th 2018.

Please review our website for more information!


2018 conference keynote speakers are:

Dr. Jay Barlow (National Marine Fisheries Service, USA), Dr. Fritz
Trillmich (University of Bielefeld, Germany) and Dr. Lorenzo Rojas-Bracho
(Instituto Nacional de Ecología y Cambio Climático, Mexico).

Applied seminars will be

We are also hosting 3 panel discussions on topics:

*- Climate change & marine mammals - What can we learn from the past?*

*- Women in marine mammal science - Shortening barriers*

*- Challenges in aquatic mammal science and conservation in developing

Attending the conference will be a great opportunity to develop further
collaborative links with Latin American scientists, and is a  peerless
source of information and insight for our students and researchers.

Susana Cárdenas Alayza, MSc.
Centro para Sostenibilidad Ambiental
Programa Punta San Juan
Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
Tlf.  51 1  626 9400 - Ext. 1138
Cel. 51 9 999 31218 (Claro)

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