
*NASA and the Department of Interior’s (DOI) Bureau of Ocean and Energy
Management (BOEM) are working together to study the feasibility of
accelerating technology development for what we’ve been referring to as the
next generation of animal tracking.  The idea is basically to widen the
data pipe allowing for greater rates of data transfer from tagged animals,
as well as improve the accuracy of tags which rely on Doppler effect for
localization. As part of this project we’re holding a public competition
from Sept. 12 to Nov. 8, 2018, to gather new ideas to improve upon the
current system of data reception via cubesats. The challenge includes a
total prize pool of up to $30,000. Submissions are due by 5:00 p.m., Nov 8,
with winners to be announced in December. The competition website is:
<>. This challenge is the first in a
possible series of challenges addressing Next Generation Animal Tracking.
Submissions to this initial challenge will be used to inform potential
future challenges looking at solutions for an open system architecture and
software integration.If you know of organizations that may be interested in
entering, please do pass this along. Any questions, feel free to drop me a
line anytime. Best,Jake*

Jacob Levenson
Marine Biologist
U.S. Department of the Interior
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
MARMAM mailing list

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