Dear Marmam colleagues,

On behalf of my co-authors I'm pleased to share our recent publication on
South American river dolphins in JCRM.

Pavanato H.J., Gomez-Salzar C., Trujillo F., Lima D., Paschoalini M.,
Ristau N., Marmonetel M. 2019.* Density, abundance and group size of river
dolphins (Inia geoffrensis and Sotalia fluviatilis) in Central Amazonia,
Brazil.* J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 20: 93-100.

The paper is available do download from the following link:

Alternatively you can contact me requesting a copy at

Please find the abstract below.

Kind regards,

A boat-based survey was conducted in the Tefé river and lake (Brazil) in
December 2013, during the transitional water period. A combination of
strip-width transects parallel to the river, lake-margins and confluences,
and cross-channel line transects in the lake, were used to cover a total
distance of 670 linear kilometres of the dolphins’ habitat. A total of 383
groups of Amazon river dolphin and 124 groups of tucuxi were observed.
Group size, density and abundance estimates were obtained per species and
habitat (tributary, lake-margin and confluence). Group sizes ranged
from one to six individuals for the Amazon river dolphin and from one to
eight individuals for the tucuxi. The abundance of river dolphins was
higher for the Amazon river dolphin (911, CV = 0.15) than the tucuxi (511,
CV = 0.26). Higher densities were found in the lake-margin and tributary
for the Amazon river dolphin and in the confluences for the tucuxi.
Lake-margins, confluences and tributaries are therefore proposed as critical
habitats for the conservation of river dolphins in central Amazonia. The
Tefé lake is identified as an area of concern due to a high number of human
stressors such as boat traffic, fishing and habitat degradation.
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