Dear colleagues,

We are excited to share our open access paper published in Frontiers in Marine 
Science under the Research Topic "Pathologic Findings in Stranded Marine 
Mammals: A Global Perspective."

Ashley EA, Olson JK, Adler TE, Raverty S, Anderson EM, Jeffries S and Gaydos JK 
(2020) Causes of mortality in a harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) population at 
equilibrium. Front. Mar. Sci. 7:319.

Abstract: The harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardii) population in the Salish 
Sea has been at equilibrium since the mid-1990s. This stable population of 
marine mammals resides relatively close to shore near a large human population 
and offers a novel opportunity to evaluate whether disease acts in a 
density-dependent manner to limit population growth. We conducted a 
retrospective analysis of harbor seal stranding and necropsy findings in the 
San Juan Islands sub-population to assess age-related stranding trends and 
causes of mortality. Between January 01, 2002 and December 31, 2018, we 
detected 882 harbor seals that stranded and died in San Juan County and 
conducted necropsies on 244 of these animals to determine primary and 
contributing causes of death. Age-related seasonal patterns of stranded animals 
were evident, with pups found in the summer, weaned pups primarily recovered 
during fall, and adults and sub-adults recovered in summer and fall. Pups were 
the most vulnerable to mortality (64% of strandings). Pups predominantly died 
of nutritional causes (emaciation) (70%), whereas sub-adults and adults 
presented primarily with clinical signs and gross lesions of infectious disease 
(42%) and with non-anthropogenic trauma (27%). Primary causes of weaned pup 
mortality were distributed equally among nutritional, infectious, 
non-anthropogenic trauma, and anthropogenic trauma categories. Nutritional 
causes of mortality in pups were likely related to limitations in mid- and 
late-gestational maternal nutrition, post-partum mismothering, or maternal 
separation possibly related to human disturbance. Infectious causes were 
contributing factors in 33% of pups dying of nutritional causes (primarily 
emaciation–malnutrition syndrome), suggesting an interaction between poor 
nutritional condition and enhanced susceptibility to infectious diseases. 
Additional primary causes of harbor seal mortality were related to congenital 
disorders, predation, human interaction, and infections, including zoonotic and 
multidrug-resistant pathogens. Bottom-up nutritional limitations for pups, in 
part possibly related to human disturbance, as well as top-down predatory 
influences (likely under-represented through strandings) and infectious 
disease, are important regulators of population growth in this stable, 
recovered marine mammal population.

Thank you!

Lizzy Ashley
Research Assistant, The SeaDoc Society
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