Dear MARMAM community,

We are pleased to share our newest open access publication in Frontiers in 
Marine Sciences:

Kapetanou, A., IJsseldijk, L. L., Willems, D. S., Broens, E. M., Everaarts, E., 
Buil, J. B., Verweij, P. E., Kik, M. J. L., & Gröne, A. (2020). Mycotic 
infections in Free-ranging Harbor Porpoises (Phocoena phocoena). Frontiers in 
Marine Science, 7, 344.


Studies on the occurrence of fungal communities in the marine environment are 
still scarce, but mycotic infections in cetaceans are increasingly reported. 
Fungal disease following infection with Aspergillus species is most frequently 
reported, with the respiratory tract commonly affected in cetaceans and other 
taxa, like humans and birds. Infection with Aspergillus spp. is dependent on 
the characteristics of the fungus as well as the hosts immune status, with 
dissemination into other organs being relatively common. Along the southern 
North Sea, harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) strandings increased 
significantly since 2005 and necropsies to determine causes of death have been 
conducted since 2008. Here we describe the post-mortem findings in stranded, 
free-ranging harbor porpoises on the Dutch coast which were diagnosed with 
fungal disease, to determine the prevalence of mycotic infections, and to 
compare them to those described in other species. A total of 18/754 (2.4%) 
harbor porpoises showed lesions compatible with localized or disseminated 
fungal disease as confirmed by histological examination. The respiratory tract 
was most commonly affected (67%), followed by the central nervous system (CNS, 
35%) and auditory system (AS, 18%). Aspergillosis was confirmed for 11/18, by 
fungal growth (as A. fumigatus species complex, n=9) and PCR (as Aspergillus 
spp., n=1, and as A. fumigatus sensu strictu by sequence analysis, n=1). One 
live stranded and euthanized animal presented partial hemiplegia of the 
blowhole and therefore an MRI was conducted, which resulted in a unique image 
of the extensive, fungus-induced lesion in the left cerebellar hemisphere, 
deforming and displacing the brainstem, and additionally affected the AS. The 
gross- and histologic lesions in the 18 porpoises diagnosed with fungal disease 
were similar to changes described in other mammalian species. The prevalence of 
fungal disease in free-living harbor porpoises is lower than seen in captive 
and rehabilitated animals, suggesting that captivity increases the risk to 
develop mycotic infections. Finally, fungal infection in the CNS and AS are 
usually considered consequences of vascular dissemination originating from 
pulmonary foci. However, only 1/7 cases with otitis and/or encephalitis 
demonstrated pulmonary aspergillosis, suggesting a different pathogenesis.

Here is the link to the full article:

Kind regards,

Lonneke IJsseldijk

Lonneke L. IJsseldijk<> | Project 
Manager Cetacean Research | Utrecht University | 
Veterinary<> Medicine | 
Biomolecular Health Sciences | Pathology | Yalelaan 1, 3584 CL Utrecht | room 
O.170 | (+3130) 253 5312 | (+316) 244 556 98 |<>| Follow us @ | 
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