Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you of our recent publication “Variations in
received levels on a sound and movement tag on a singing humpback whale:
Implications for caller identification,” in the *Journal of the Acoustical
Society of America*.  The citation and abstract appear below.  If you would
like a pdf copy of the paper, you may contact either Alison Stimpert at, or Marc Lammers at or
Adam Pack at  We wish you all good health, safe spaces,
much aloha, and peace.

Stimpert, A. K., Lammers, M. O., Pack, A. A. & Au, W. W. L. (2020).  Variations
in received levels on a sound and movement tag on a singing humpback whale:
Implications for caller identification, *Journal of the Acoustical Society
of America, 147 *(5), 3684-3690.

Bio-logging devices are advancing the understanding of marine animal
behavior, but linking sound production and behavior of individual baleen
whales is still unreliable. Tag placement potentially within the near field
of the sound source creates uncertainty about how tagged animal sounds will
register on recorders. This study used data from a tagged singing humpback
whale to evaluate this question of how sound levels present on a tag when
calls are produced by a tagged animal.  Root-mean-square (rms) received
levels (RLs) of song units ranged from 112 to 164 dB re 1 lPa rms, with
some, but not all, of the lower frequency units registering on the tag’s
800 Hz accelerometer sensor. Fifty-nine percent of recorded units measured
lower acoustic RLs than previously reported source levels for humpback
song, but signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) were 30–45 dB during periods of the
dive with low noise. This research highlights that tag RL does not alone
predict caller identity, argues for higher SNR thresholds if using SNR to
inform decisions about the source of a call, and provides a baseline for
future research identifying diagnostic properties of tagged animal calls in
cetacean bioacoustic tag datasets.

Alison Stimpert, *Bioacoustics and Vertebrate Ecology, Moss Landing

Marc Lammers, *Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary*

Adam Pack, *Departments of Psychology and Biology and LOHE Bioacoustics
Lab, University of Hawaii at Hilo*

Whitlow Au (deceased), *Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University of
Hawaii at Manoa*

Adam A. Pack, Ph.D. Professor and Chair (Psychology)
Departments of Psychology and Biology
University of Hawai'i at Hilo
200 West Kawili Street
Hilo, Hawai'i 96720
(Office Voice): 808-932-7076

"Do or do not; there is no try." Yoda
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