Hello MARMAM Members,

On behalf of my colleagues and myself, I am pleased to share with you all our 
new research note “Reproductive and stress‐related hormones in whiskers from 
two North Pacific phocids: Harbor and ringed seals”, now available in early 
view at Marine Mammal Science. The article can be found here: 

Keogh MJ, Charapata P, Karpovich S, Jones A, Sprowls C, Marshall CD. 
Reproductive and stress-related hormones in whiskers from two North Pacific 
phocids: Harbor and ringed seals. Mar Mam Sci. 2020;1–12. 


Several populations of North Pacific pinnipeds are currently listed as 
depleted under the Marine Mammal Protection Act, endangered under the 
Endangered Species Act, of the United States or with unknown status, 
highlighting the need for new methods to assess the reproductive rates of these 
populations. Most phocids are annual breeders with estrus and parturition 
occurring on terrestrial or ice platforms. In phocids, serum progesterone 
concentrations remain elevated during late gestation, supporting identification 
of pregnancy after implantation (Gardiner, Boyd, Follett, Racey, & Reijnders, 
1999; Gardiner, Boyd, Racey, Reijnders, & Thompson, 1996; Mellish & Iverson, 
2005; Reijnders 1990). However, current sampling methods based on blood and 
feces only provide a snapshot of reproductive status. Recently, methods were 
developed to measure cortisol in whiskers (Karpovich, Skinner, Kapronczai, 
Smith, & Janz, 2019), highlighting the potential to measure reproductive 
hormones in whiskers from free-ranging phocid seals. Unlike other tissues 
currently used for determining reproductive status, whiskers do not require 
special storage or handling, which can be challenging in remote field 
conditions. More importantly, the potential to use whiskers to measure 
reproductive hormones may alleviate problems associated with a single sample by 
capturing reproductive hormone concentrations sequentially along the length of 
the whisker, allowing for the examination of hormone con- centrations over the 
course of one year for phocids (Greaves, Hammill, & Eddington, 2004; Hirons, 
Shell, & St. Aubin, 2001; Lübcker, Condit, Beltran, Bruyn, & Bester, 2016; Zhao 
& Schell, 2004). Given the potential utility of measuring reproductive hormones 
in phocid whiskers, our objectives were to (1) validate enzyme immunoassays 
(EIA) to measure reproductive and stress-related steroid hormones in phocid 
whiskers, (2) compare the patterns of multiple steroid hormones along the 
length of whiskers to evaluate the retention of steroid hormones in phocid 
whiskers, (3) apply immunohistochemistry (IHC) methods to explore deposition of 
progesterone and cortisol along harbor seal whiskers, and (4) investigate the 
influence of age class (i.e., adult vs. subadult) and reproductive state on 
hormone concentrations in whiskers.

In this study, we report a novel method to measure reproductive hormones in 
phocid whiskers, providing another tool for future studies. We found hormones 
are deposited throughout the length of a phocid whisker, helping to validate 
the utility of whiskers as a reliable matrix for measuring reproductive 
hormones. We found differences in whisker progesterone concentrations between 
adults and subadults from two phocid species and between pregnant and 
nonpregnant adult harbor seals. There may be other reproductive steroid 
hormones, such as testosterone, that may also be useful for assessing age 
class. The timing of the whisker collection for both phocid species may 
influence detection of the rise in progesterone in the whisker likely 
associated with active gestation. Nevertheless, phocid whiskers contain 
hormones incorporated during the estimated years' worth of growth (Beltran et 
al., 2015, Hirons et al., 2001, Lübcker et al., 2016). Analysis of hormone 
concentrations from whiskers could be beneficial in accruing long-term 
physiological data from keratinized tissues in phocids. Further, whiskers in 
archived collections from museums, stranding networks, and gov- ernment 
agencies could serve as a reservoir of samples to perform retrospective studies 
on phocid reproductive and stress physiology, helping to understand how future 
environmental changes may impact phocid physiology.

Please email lead and corresponding author (Mandy Keogh, 
mandyjke...@gmail.com<mailto:mandyjke...@gmail.com>) if you have any questions 
or are interested in the manuscript. I would be happy to provide a PDF of the 
manuscript upon request 


Patrick Charapata
PhD Candidate, Baylor University

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