Dear colleagues,

Our Marine Mammal Science manuscript entitled "Body growth of North Atlantic 
right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) revisited" is now available online and we're 
happy to share a copy upon request.


Knowing size-at-age is important for determining food requirements and making 
inferences about the nutritional status of individuals and their populations. 
Accurate growth curves are also needed to quantify drug dosages to treat 
wounded or entangled animals. However, body sizes are often based on small 
numbers of measured animals that must be improved as new data become available. 
We updated an existing body growth model for North Atlantic right whales 
(NARWs) using new data from dead animals and from older individuals. Our models 
indicate that NARWs attain mean lengths and weights of 4.3 m and 1.0 mt at 
birth, and 13.1 m and 31.7 mt when sexually mature. Calves more than double 
their length and attain nearly three-quarters of their asymptotic adult size 
during their first year of life. Overall, our length estimates agreed well with 
previous estimates, but our mass-at-age values were considerably higher. These 
differences revealed that necropsy data used alone in allometric models 
underestimate mass due possibly to several of the stranded animals in the 
database having been chronically entangled and in poor body condition. 
Augmenting the database with healthier individuals, such as harvested North 
Pacific right whales, yielded mass predictions that reflect both healthy and 
unhealthy individuals.

All the best,


Sarah Fortune (She/Her), PhD

Weston Family Northern Scientist

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

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