Dear MARMAM colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that the following paper is now available online:

Enrico Pirotta, Morgana Vighi, José María Brotons, Eileen Dillane, Margalida 
Cerdà, Luke Rendell. 2020. Stable isotopes suggest fine-scale sexual 
segregation in an isolated, endangered sperm whale population. Marine Ecology 
Progress Series 654: 209-218.

Sexual segregation is common among marine mammals, leading to intraspecific 
differences in diet, diving behaviour, home range size and even latitudinal 
distribution and migratory patterns. Sperm whales Physeter macrocephalus 
present one of the most extreme examples of sexual dimorphism both in size and 
social structure, with males and females segregating at different latitudes 
across most of their range, but the underlying ecological drivers remain 
unclear. Studying fine-scale dietary and habitat differences where the sexes 
occur in sympatry could therefore provide insights into the mechanisms 
underpinning their large-scale segregation. In this study, we analysed the 
carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values in the skin of males and females from 
an isolated, endangered population inhabiting the Mediterranean Sea, sampled in 
a region where the sexes occur and feed regularly in the summer months but show 
subtle differences in habitat preference. We found marked differences in both 
carbon and nitrogen isotopic values between the sexes, indicating that they 
could be targeting prey items in different trophic levels and habitats. 
Combined with the evidence from habitat modelling studies, our results suggest 
that female and male sperm whales segregate even in the latitudinally 
restricted Mediterranean population, at a much smaller scale. This sympatric, 
fine-scale sexual segregation suggests that reduction of competition may have 
been a key factor in the evolution of the social structure and large-scale 
latitudinal segregation of this species.

Keywords:  Dietary differences · Sexual segregation · Dimorphism · Sperm whale 
· Physeter macrocephalus · Mediterranean Sea

A PDF copy of the paper can be downloaded from:

Please do not hesitate to contact me for any question regarding our work.

Best Regards,
Enrico Pirotta
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