Information and Public Hearings announced by NOAAfor Draft Plan aimed at 
reducing risk of entanglement of critically endangeredNA Right Whales and other 
large whales. 

On Dec. 30th, 2020 NOAA announced therelease of proposed rulemaking (357 pages) 
to reducethe risk of entanglement for North Atlantic Right, finback and 
humpback whaleentanglements in fixed fishing gear along the eastern seaboard of 
the USA.   The public comment period will last 60days and close on March 1st. 
NOAA will be holding four informational sessions that takeplace on Jan 12, 13, 
18 and 19 to provide information about the rule making andanswer questions. 
NOAA protected species staff will also hold four publichearings to receive and 
consider public comments on the alternatives,including NOAA’s preferred 
alternatives, that will take place on February 16,17, 23 and 24. Please 
register ahead to participate.

Some of the highlights outlined in the announcementfrom Chris Oliver, NOAA 
Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, include thefollowing proposed 
modifications to the Atlantic Large Whale TakeReduction Plan:
   - Modify gear configurations to reduce the number of vertical lines by 
requiring more traps between buoy lines and by introducing weak insertions or 
weak rope into buoy lines.
   - Modify existing seasonal restricted areas to be closed to buoy lines.
   - Add up to two new seasonal buoy line closures.
   - Modify gear marking to introduce state-specific marking colors and 
increase the number of and area of marked lines.

ProposedPot/Trap Fisheries Regulations to Help Save North Atlantic Right 
WhalesAvailable for Public Comment | NOAA Fisheries

DraftEnvironmental Impact Statement, Regulatory Impact Review, and 
InitialRegulatory Flexibility Analysis for Amending the Atlantic Large Whale 
TakeReduction Plan: Risk Reduction Rule Volume I (

Events| Register for NOAA Fisheries January Informational Sessions 

Events| Register for NOAA Fisheries February Public Comment Hearings

R. Zack Klyver, Science Director

Blue Planet Strategies, LLC

PO Box 917 / Bar Harbor / ME 04609

(207) 460-9575  - cell





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