Dear Researcher,

We are contacting you in the hope that you might have acoustic tag data that 
might be used for estimating acoustic cue rates, i.e. the number of sounds of 
interest produced per unit time, of marine mammals. If you do have such data 
and have not yet been approached by us, please give us a few extra minutes of 
your time and fill in this google form about it:

No more than 3 minutes are anticipated to be needed to do so.

If you want to know why we are asking for that information, please waste 2 more 
minutes reading this message to the end. Maybe we will end up working together!

We are writing to you within the realms of the ACCURATE project - ACoustic CUe 
RATEs for passive acoustics density estimation. ACCURATE is a 5 year project 
supported by the US Navy's Living Marine Resources program 
 with the purpose of learning about acoustic cue production rates to inform 
passive acoustic density estimation. The project does not include dedicated 
data collection and therefore relies on multiple data providers. Several data 
providers have been identified and are already feeding us data. More about the 
project can be found on this landing page:

We already have a number of people providing us with data to look at different 
aspects of marine mammal sound production. Nonetheless, within the project we 
are interested in knowing about any and all tag data that might have been 
collected on any marine mammal species that could convey information about 
acoustic production of sounds that might be used for passive acoustic density 
estimation. We are reviewing the state of the art on marine mammal  acoustic 
cue production and hence would like to compile a database of tags and 
associated metadata, like date, location, species, etc. We are doing so with 
the double objective of (1) having a searchable record of the tags available 
and (2) identifying possible tagging efforts that we could use within ACCURATE.

Sorry for the general email even if someone on the (quite large ACCURATE) team 
might know you personally. This was just an efficient way to get to many people 
with a consistent message.

Looking forward to hear from you on behalf of the ACCURATE team,

Tiago A. Marques

PS - I am the principal investigator on ACCURATE and the contact to use for any 
enquiries regarding the project is tiago.marques at

Tiago André Marques
email (St Andrews): tiago.marques at
email (FCUL): tamarques at
email (personal): tiagoandremarques at
Mobile (personal): 00351919651628
Twitter: @TiagoALOMarques
Skype: talomar
Google Scholar SHqH7fMAAAAJ
ORCID 0000-0002-2581-1972
ResearcherID A-5530-2010
Scopus ID 6603703024
University of St Andrews
Senior Research Fellow
School of Mathematics and Statistics
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
The Observatory, Buchanan Gardens, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9LZ, Scotland
Phone: 00441334461842
Fax: 00441334461800
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland : No SC013532
Universidade de Lisboa
Professor Auxiliar Convidado
Departamento de Biologia Animal
Centro de Estatística e Aplicações
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Bloco C6, Piso 4, Campo Grande, 1749-016 Lisboa, PORTUGAL
FCUL: 00351217500170 (my usual office)

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