Dear MARMAM members:

We would like to share with all of you our recently published article:

*Anthropogenic Sound Exposure-Induced Stress in Captive Dolphins and
Implications for Cetacean Health
 Yang W-C, Chen C-F, Chuah Y-C, Zhuang C-R, Chen I-H, Mooney TA, Stott J,
Blanchard M, Jen I-F and Chou L-S (2021) *Front. Mar. Sci.*

Many cetaceans are exposed to increasing pressure caused by anthropogenic
activities in their marine environment. Anthropogenic sound has been
recognized as a possible stressor for cetaceans that may have impacts on
health. However, the relationship between stress, hormones, and cytokines
secretion in cetaceans is complex and not fully understood. Moreover, the
effects of stress are often inconsistent because the character, intensity,
and duration of the stressors are variable. For a better understanding of
how anthropogenic sounds affect the psychophysiology of cetaceans, the
present study compared the changes of cortisol concentration and cytokine
gene transcriptions in blood samples and behaviors of captive bottlenose
dolphins (*Tursiops truncatus*) after sound exposures. The sound stimuli
were 800 Hz pure-tone multiple impulsive sound for 30 min at three
different sound levels (estimated mean received SPL: 0, 120, and 140 dB re
1 μPa) that likely cause no permanent and temporary hearing threshold shift
in dolphins. Six cytokine genes (IL-2Rα, IL-4, IL-10, IL-12, TNF-α, and
IFN-γ) were selected for analysis. Cortisol levels and IL-10 gene
transcription increased and IFNγ/IL-10 ratio was lower after a 30-min
high-level sound exposure, indicating the sound stimuli used in this study
could be a stressor for cetaceans, although only minor behavior changes
were observed. This study may shed light on the potential impact of pile
driving-like sounds on the endocrine and immune systems in cetaceans and
provide imperative information regarding sound exposure for free-ranging

*Here, the link to the article (on-line)

Here are the methodology papers cited or related in this new paper:
* Sound exposure-induced cytokine gene transcript profile changes in
captive bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) blood identified by a
probe-based qRT-PCR

* A probe-based qRT-PCR method to profile immunological gene expression in
blood of captive beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas)

* Selection of reference genes for RT-qPCR studies in blood of beluga
whales (Delphinapterus leucas)

*Selection of suitable reference genes for normalization of quantitative
RT-PCR in peripheral blood samples of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops

All best,
Jack Yang
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