As a collaborative effort, the University of Washington, The Nature
Conservancy, Benioff Ocean Initiative, and Global Fishing Watch are working
on a global analysis of the intersection between large whales and marine
shipping traffic to identify hotspots of ship strike risk using global data
coverage of vessel and whale occurrence.

To supplement the publicly available datasets, we invite researchers and
data owners to contribute whale occurrence data. We are specifically
looking for any occurrence (e.g., survey, citizen science, tagging) data
that is not currently deposited in GBIF/OBIS/OBIS-SeaMapper/Movebank on the
following species: Antarctic Minke Whale, Blue Whale, Bowhead Whale,
Bryde’s Whale, Common Minke Whale, Fin Whale, Gray Whale, Humpback Whale,
North Atlantic Right Whale, Sei Whale, Southern Right Whale, Sperm Whale.

If you are interested, please fill out the attached form
<> outlining any metadata you have
available by Friday June 11th, 2021. Please note that filling out this form
does not obligate you to participate in this effort, nor does it guarantee
your data will ultimately be included in the analysis, however it is the
first step needed to identify gaps in publicly available datasets. Any data
accepted for this effort would be used strictly for the purposes outlined
and would not be shared externally. All data contributors would receive
proper attribution and credit.

If you have any questions, please contact Callie Steffen (

Thank you for your support.

*Metadata form*
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