Dear Colleagues

I hope you are well. Despite having great strength in ecology and conservation 
across the marine vertebrate taxa, it would be great if we had strong 
candidates with strong interests in marine mammals for the positions advertised 
below. Can you please share the following within your networks?

The Centre for Ecology and Conservation (University of Exeter, Cornwall Campus) 
is recruiting Lecturers/Senior Lecturers in Marine Biology.
We are particularly interested in applicants with a proven research track 
record in marine vertebrate ecology and conservation, marine resource 
management or fisheries research. We are also particularly interested in 
candidates who can work closely with marine sectoral stakeholders, including 
businesses, charities and government bodies.

It would be great if you could please share the following link in your networks 
to ensure we get the best candidates applying:<>

The position also been promoted on the Exeter Marine social media channels. 
Please retweet/share the post if you're on such things: Twitter:<>
 or Facebook:<>

For an informal and confidential discussion about the post please contact my 
Head of Department, Prof Dave Hodgson  email<>

Kind regards

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