The Secretariat of the North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission (NAMMCO), based 
in Tromsø in northern Norway, has an opening for a full-time Scientific 
Secretary as soon as possible at the earliest convenience of the applicant.


NAMMCO is an inter-governmental advisory body for the conservation and 
management of marine mammals in the North Atlantic. This includes both 
cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) and pinnipeds (seals and walruses). 
Based on the best available scientific and user knowledge, the Commission 
provides management advice to the governments of its member countries: Iceland, 
Greenland, the Faroe  Islands and Norway.

Scientific Secretary Position

The Scientific Secretary is responsible for planning, coordinating and 
participating in the work of the  NAMMCO Scientific Committee and its 
associated expert Working Groups.

The primary tasks of the position will include: rapporteuring and report 
writing, as well as editing and collating scientific publications. The 
Scientific Secretary will also assist the Secretariat in preparing for high 
level international science/policy meetings; keeping the NAMMCO website up to 
date with relevant documents, data and research on marine mammals; contributing 
to communication and public outreach through social media engagement; and 
formatting policy reports and research articles. The Scientific Secretary will 
be appointed Editor to the academic journal NAMMCO Scientific Publications, 
with responsibility to recruit and process submissions to the journal.

Skills Required

This position requires an experienced scientist with a good background in 
wildlife or fisheries biology. Research experience in or knowledge of marine 
mammal biology, including knowledge of survey methods,  population biology and 
stock assessment in the context of sustainable management, is highly desirable. 
Participation in scientific projects of direct relevance to NAMMCO is 
encouraged where feasible.

A higher degree is preferred. Excellent spoken and written English, a 
high-level competence in both Word  and Excel as well as a good ability in 
communication and dissemination of scientific information to a general audience 
are essential. Familiarity with website editing using Wordpress, knowledge of 
GIS (or another mapping software) and database maintenance is desirable. A 
working knowledge of a Scandinavian language is an advantage.

The person filling this position should have good leadership qualities and be 
able to work confidently alone  as well as in a team.

The Secretariat is small, and teamwork is important. Given the nature of 
working in a Secretariat for an inter-governmental advisory body, the candidate 
should also be flexible, solution-oriented, willing to perform diverse tasks as 
they arise, and able to meet deadlines under pressure.

Working conditions

The position attracts an international standard salary based on the ICSC-UN 
professional scale (P3 level, step 1), with private pension scheme, as well as 
assistance in relocation expenses, and 6 weeks annual vacation with home travel 
allowance. The initial appointment will be for 4 years, including a three-month 
 probation period, and may be renewed.

The person filling this position should be prepared to travel extensively for 
meetings within and outside member countries for up to 12 weeks each year.


Applications should include:

-        an application letter describing the candidate, how they meet the 
skills required and their  motivation to apply for the position;

-        a CV (curriculum vitae) detailing education, work experience, and any 
publications; and

-        the names, affiliations and contact details of three referees.

These documents should be sent electronically marked "confidential" to the 
General Secretary, to <> Please 
specify how you became aware of the vacancy. All applications will be  

Applications close the 30th of November 2021, 23:59 Norwegian time UTC +1

For further details on the job description and other information, please 
contact the General Secretary of NAMMCO on<> or call +47 950 21 228. It is 
also recommended to visit the NAMMCO website 
<> to learn more about the work of this international 
organisation and its goals and affiliations.

Heleen Middel
Assistant Scientific Secretary
NAMMCO - North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission
POB 6453, Sykehusveien 21-23
N-9294 Tromsø, Norway
Mob.: +47 41075821


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