Dear colleagues,

My co-authors and I are pleased to share our recent paper published in Current 
Biology on the consequences of foraging strategies of Galapagos sea lions: 

Schwarz, J. F. L., DeRango, E. J., Zenth, F., Kalberer, S., Hoffman, J. I., 
Mews, S., Piedrahita, P., Trillmich, F., Páez-Rosas, D., Thiboult, A., & 
Krüger, O. (2022). A stable foraging polymorphism buffers Galapagos sea lions 
against environmental change. Current Biology, 

Abstract: Understanding the ability of animals to cope with a changing 
environment is critical in a world affected by anthropogenic disturbance. 
Individual foraging strategies may influence the coping ability of entire 
populations, as these strategies can be differently adapted to contrasting 
conditions, allowing populations with foraging polymorphisms to be more 
resilient toward environmental change. However, environmentally dependent 
fitness consequences of individual foraging strategies and their effects on 
population dynamics have not been conclusively documented. Here, we use 
biologging data from endangered Galápagos sea lion females (Zalophus 
wollebaeki) to show that benthically foraging individuals dig after 
sand-dwelling prey species while pelagic foragers hunt in more open waters. 
These specialized foraging behaviours result in distinct and temporally stable 
patterns of vibrissae abrasion. Using vibrissae length as a visual marker for 
the benthic versus pelagic foraging strategies, we furthermore uncovered an 
environment-dependent fitness trade-off between benthic and pelagic foragers, 
suggesting that the foraging polymorphism could partially buffer the population 
against the negative effects of climate change. However, demographic 
projections suggest that this buffering effect is unlikely to be sufficient to 
reverse the ongoing population decline of the past four decades. Our study 
hence shows how crucial a deeper understanding of behavioural polymorphisms can 
be for predicting how populations cope within a rapidly changing world.

A video abstract can be found here: 

The article is available until the 21st of April via this link: 

Jonas Schwarz

Jonas Schwarz
Sea Lion Project Galapagos
Department of Animal Behaviour
Bielefeld University

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