Dear MARMAMers,

This is a reminder that abstract submissions for the next Australia/New Zealand 
student chapter of the Society for Marine Mammalogy conference close this 
Friday 9th December.
The conference will be held in Hobart, Tasmania, on 14th and 15th of April 2023!

We are offering free accommodation for 20 students for the conference, so 
please ensure that you register and submit your abstracts ASAP so that we can 
book your accommodation!
You can find out more information on the conference website.
The Conference | ANZSCSMM<>
The theory and practise of establishing linkages between marine predators and 
their prey. This workshop will host a panel discussion on modelling ecosystem 
interactions between predators and prey.
We look forward to seeing you there!
ANZSCSMM Chapter Heads


Rebecca M Boys

Marine Biologist

PhD Student

Cetacean Ecology Research Group

School of Natural Sciences

Massey University


New Zealand

[cid:9e13bfaf-cb0f-44b6-a9ee-fe27afa1cae0] <> 

Australia and New Zealand Student Chapter SMM Committee member

European Cetacean Society National Contact Person for New Zealand

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