Greetings MARMAM Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the upcoming launch of two new online technical
training courses, *PAM: Large Acoustic Datasets* and *R for Ocean Science
Data Analysis*! Each course is accredited by the Institute of Marine
Engineering, Science & Technology (IMarEST
and is offered in an online, flexible format. Courses include a combination
of guided videos, instructional materials, and scaffolded activities
intended to provide you with hands-on software experience.

*PAM: Large Dataset Analysis*: Big ocean data requires an efficient and
effective means of analysis, and passive acoustic data is no exception!
This training leads you through an analytical method using PAMGuard and
acoustic packages in R programming language.

*R for Ocean Science Data Analysis**:* Join us as we explore how to use R
for a wide range of ocean science data needs, including data wrangling,
visualization, and analysis. R is free, open source, and includes ample
packages to do almost any desired ocean science analyses. This course is
intended for beginner/novice learners and will take learners through
intermediate skills.

Details regarding each of the courses, including a list of course topics
and registration can be found on Technical Training
<> page.

For January 2023’s training session, we will be offering both courses,
but *SPACE
IS LIMITED* as these courses involve our support and feedback! Register
today to secure your space by visiting the course page you are interested

Ocean Science Analytics (OSA) is an ocean science research and online
technical training company headquartered in San Diego, CA. We use our
expertise in technology-based analytical methods and software tools to
monitor and assess oceanic and coastal ecosystems for conservation and
management purposes and provide technology-centered training to a broad
audience. We are excited to partner with Jennifer Pettis Schallert of BioSci
<> to bring you the R for Ocean Science Data
Analysis course!

For questions or more information, feel free to contact Liz Ferguson via

Liz Ferguson
*CEO and Founder*
*Ocean Science Analytics*
* <>*
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