Dear all,
My co-authors and I are pleased to share the publication our recent
publication: Occurrence, site fidelity, and abundance of bottlenose
dolphins (*Tursiops truncatus*) in the Western Ligurian Sea, Italy,
published in the Journal of Cetacean Research and Management.

Ascheri, D., Fontanesi, E., Ballardini, M., Nani, B. and Allessi, J. 2022.
Occurrence, site fidelity, and abundance of bottlenose dolphins (*Tursiops
truncatus*) in the Western Ligurian Sea. *J. Cetacean Res. Manage. *23:

This study represents the first complete assessment of the population
dynamics and residency of common bottlenose dolphins in the Western
Ligurian Sea, an area where bottlenose dolphin sightings have been rare in
the past. Despite being greatly affected by human pressure, information
about this population is poor and sporadic. The study took place from April
2018 to December 2020. One hundred and seventy‐one dedicated boat surveys
were performed year‐round resulting in 95 sightings, and 123 individuals
were identified through mark‐recapture photo‐identification techniques.
Dolphins were found to be present year‐round. Most of the animals (79) used
the area sporadically and only 19.5% of the dolphins (24) were seen
regularly. Bottlenose dolphin abundance was estimated at 248 using open
POPAN population models (CI 95% = 217–284). These results help fill a
knowledge gap by highlighting the regular presence of bottlenose dolphins
in the study area. Moreover, they represent a baseline for future studies
investigating abundance trends and the conservation status of this

You can find the article here:

Many thanks and best wishes,
Davide Ascheri


Via Regione Bussi 27, 1800 Imperia

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