Dear Colleagues,

BOEM is pleased to announce the following paper and can be found at link below.

HDR (Athens, AL). 2022. Passive acoustic monitoring program for the Northern 
Gulf of Mexico: project report. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the 
Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. 337 p. Contract No.: M17PC00001. 
Report No.: OCS Study BOEM: 2022-074.<>


The program objective was to design and field test implementation of a 
large-scale, multi-year, underwater passive acoustic monitoring in the northern 
Gulf of Mexico (GOM). Underwater acoustic data were collected within a defined 
study area over an approximately 24-month period using a mix of stationary and 
mobile platforms. Data were analyzed to characterize the existing soundscape
(including sounds contributed by both natural and anthropogenic sources). A 
site-specific three-dimensional (3D) underwater sound propagation numerical 
model was setup and used to assess sound focusing and defocusing effects caused 
by 3D variations in underwater bathymetry.


Dominant sound sources recorded during this study varied seasonally and 
primarily consisted of seismic surveys, shipping, storms, and marine mammal 
calls. The 3D underwater sound propagation model provided valuable data for 
capturing and understanding focusing and defocusing effects due to 3D 
variations in bathymetry. These effects can meaningfully intensify or reduce 
received levels anthropogenic noise, potentially influencing localized impacts 
to marine mammals.  Biological sounds (dolphin whistles, sperm whale (Physeter 
macrocephalus) clicks, Risso’s dolphin (Grampus griseus) clicks, and beaked 
whale clicks) were present throughout all deployments.



Donald (Tre) W. Glenn, III, Ph.D., P.E., CFM
Protected Species Biologist
Consultation Specialist

Professional Environmental Engineer

Contracting Officer's Representative III

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)

GOMRO, Office of Environment

Mail Stop GM 673E
1201 Elmwood Park Blvd.

New Orleans, Louisiana  70123

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