Dear MARMAMers,

My co-authors and I are pleased to announce our recent publication in Frontiers 
for Young Minds "Why Do Marine Mammals Strand on Land and How Can Humans Help?".
Boys R, Stockin K and Peters K (2023) Why Do Marine Mammals Strand on Land and 
How Can Humans Help?. Front. Young Minds. 11:901402. doi: 

We hope this paper, aimed at children and teenagers, will be an interesting 
educational tool, providing some background information on marine mammal 
strandings and information on what to do/ not to do in case of finding a 
stranded animal.

It can be freely downloaded here:

Please do contact me if you have any questions.

Thank you very much,

On behalf of all the co-authors


Rebecca M Boys

Marine Biologist


Cetacean Ecology Research Group

School of Natural Sciences

Massey University


New Zealand

[cid:b1535622-1f35-4a63-8e1f-d3fc03f97ae6] <> 

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