Dear friends of whales and photo-ID automation,

On behalf of my 68 co-authors(!!), I am pleased to announce the open access 
publication in Scientific Reports of the second paper to come from our broad 
A collaborative and near-comprehensive North Pacific humpback whale photo-ID 

We present an ocean-basin-scale dataset that includes tail fluke photographic 
identification (photo-ID) and encounter data for most living individual 
humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the North Pacific Ocean. The 
dataset was built through a broad collaboration combining 39 separate curated 
photo-ID catalogs, supplemented with community science data. Data from 
throughout the North Pacific were aggregated into 13 regions, including six 
breeding regions, six feeding regions, and one migratory corridor. All images 
were compared with minimal pre-processing using a recently developed image 
recognition algorithm based on machine learning through artificial 
intelligence; this system is capable of rapidly detecting matches between 
individuals with an estimated 97-99% accuracy. For the 2001 to 2021 study 
period, a total of 27,956 unique individuals were documented in 157,350 
encounters. Each individual was encountered, on average, in 5.6 sampling 
periods (i.e., breeding and feeding seasons), with an annual average of 87% of 
whales encountered in more than one season. The combined dataset and image 
recognition tool represents a living and accessible resource for collaborative, 
basin-wide studies of a keystone marine mammal in a time of rapid ecological 

Available here:, or Iā€™m 
happy to send a pdf 

Citation: Cheeseman, T., Southerland, K., Acebes, J.M. et al. A collaborative 
and near-comprehensive North Pacific humpback whale photo-ID dataset. Sci Rep 
13, 10237 (2023).

Yay whales!

:) Ted
Ted Cheeseman

Read our recent publications - humpback whale automated image recognition: and humpbacks of the North Pacific:

** know your whales :) **

I live and play on unceded lands of the Ohlone.

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